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About Dmyers

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    sevier county tennessee
  1. It was one I bought ive gave tons of shots but I give him one with lepto added and he got sick off of it. I gave him Benadryl and he came out of it good but don't think I will ever use 9way shot again.
  2. Anyone ever had a pup react to vaccine my pup got a shot today and he had a reaction
  3. Just got a patterdale thought he might be to big when full grown thanks
  4. What is best small terrier to hunt groundhogs?I know they have to be pretty small any advice would be appreciated.
  5. Hi my name is Damon I've hunted with dogs all my life I have Plott and walker bear and coon dogs I have owned terriers all my life I've had rat terriers last 18 years approximately and a cairn for about six years im fixing to get a patterdale to do earth work with can't wait to learn more thanks
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