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About Lab1993

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 27/10/1993

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  1. Thanks very much for the advice mate I've given her a couple weeks on the stop whistle and she sits and stop every time the whistle blows no matter how far away she is Her recall is also coming a lot great
  2. Well that's been roughly two weeks working on whistle and she reacts well, I've yet to try her to stop at any sort of distance as I haven't had time during the day light But all in all she is coming along very nicely
  3. I will definitely keep you posted mate many thanks atb
  4. Thank you mate she's my pride and joy Thank for the advice very helpful I'll be sure to include the whistle straight away now
  5. Nice mate you got a lab as well? @kieron1980
  6. This is my 6 month old lab, Most of her basic commands ie. sit,stay,heel,and recall are almost spot on and I was looking at starting whistle training, Is it to soon and should I wait till all commands are perfect before moving on all tips are welcome thanks!
  7. Thanks very much for the advice lads
  8. Thanks for the reply mate
  9. My young lab doesn't seem to want to walk with anyone apart from myself? She has never been pulled on the lead. yet when I take her out she walks perfect. Does anyone know why this is or how to snap her out of it? Ps she's 13 weeks old Thanks in advance
  10. Hi, I just recently bought a cracking Labrador pup now 10 weeks old, being new to hunting and training all tips and advice are welcomed and greatly appreciated, thanks.
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