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Harris Will

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Everything posted by Harris Will

  1. Impressive haul there lads... Good on ya!!!! Will
  2. I have seen one as well... the pendulum carries the ring & hinges from the middle crossbar of the bow as Kat says. It is to stop the bird from passing through the bow & reduces tangles! They also ues them on the German Systems to stop the bird from getting knotted round the bowperch....
  3. Well i've got my fingers crossed for you mate! After last year, you deserve a good one this year! Spoke to Spar last night & he said that the neighbour was at it again!!! Me & him said we'll have to pop over & cut that tree down one night for ya LOL
  4. You have been a busy lad this weekend mate!!!! Looks good
  5. That is good news Tony, heres hoping for a better year this year for you mate!!!!
  6. Do you mean this one Sean? http://www.nightsearcher.co.uk/acatalog/7504.html
  7. Harris Will


    She's looking good mate! The fat little bugger....
  8. Alright fella, so what did the vet have to say about Abi's wing?
  9. Hi mate, just looked you up on here! Thank you for a great day mate.. Really had a good today. Here's a picture from this mornings fun....
  10. I watched them last year & it was very interesting to see when the fledged!!!!!
  11. And why was half the wing missing from one of the "parents" Also when you were seen trying to post a parcel through a postbox while wearing gloves and the police stopped you. Why did the parcel ,which was addressed to the the local WLO, contain a peregrine falcon chopped into pieces. Out of all the questions Derk has yet to answer, I can really see him wanting to answer that one Neil....
  12. WOW... What a character reference!!!
  13. Have you covered the foam with anything?
  14. Stop picking on others not involved in your plight Derek & answer the questions that have been put to you!!!! Oh & you are a Peregrine thief!!!!!!
  15. what you used to cover the perch mate?
  16. It would seem to me that Neil is answering the questions aimed at him very well given that he does not really want all this dragged up again... I say give Mr Hunter a break & get on with your lives!!!! However, dear Mr Canning & friends do not seem to be able to answer certain questions raised to him at all (namely SPAR's questions)! & seems to be getting into conflict with other users purely for the sake of it!!! So what if he's a pig man, what the f**k has that got to do with all this for goodness sake?????
  17. Hmmmm, strange that he seems to have vanished off this thread now for some strange reason!
  18. Look Derek, i am not even going to stoop to your level! As has been said many a time before, You did the crime & have done the time! However if you feel that this will score you points with the Falconry fraternity then i think its just a bit too late for that! I am not going to enter into another debate with you on this matter! For 1 i have read it all before on other forums & 2 dropping peoples names into these debates without their permission is not really on!!!! I really dont see that you are able to gleen much evidence for your plight against the RSPB or DEFRA off these forums!!!!!
  19. All he brings to these forums is conflict! It was the same on the Directory & The IFF....
  20. Set up..... Derek was caught with young birds that didnt match DNA results for the parent birds he had & couldnt provide proof of the parents! He was also caught not far from a wild nest site that was empty & he had the young in his car!!!! How ever could he have been set up! The man is a criminal..... lol
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