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Everything posted by taytay

  1. BAN FIREWORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. the big chief

      the big chief

      my dogs are shitting themselves when the fireworks go off 3 of mine aint even had there dinner

  2. thanks mate I think he's more of a charcoal
  3. nice pair mate, I know what you mean about the fawn there is an under coat of grey/black on my bitch as well
  4. x factor is doing my head in!!

  5. had a run out last night, cracking weather for a change my saluki x had 4 out of 6 running like a mad dog
  6. its a difficult one, I would only walk her in the day( no hunting), do this for 2 weeks then take her on the lamp, I know this is going to be a ball break but she is contented with day work running around like a complete lunatic and not bothered in the night, if you talk to any greyhound racer they will tell you when they walk their dogs they don't come off the lead what this does they are wound up like a spinning top and fly out of the traps on race nights, I some sense its very similar. best of luck Karl you will win
  7. not telling you how to suck eggs, take her on her own for a dozen trips (if we get that many nowadays)
  8. many, many thanks for all who gave me advise on good bushing trousers, the wet windy nights are sorted with wax Barbour coat and leggings, and I think I am warming to the seeland for bushing. thanks again. :thumbs:
  9. got pulled a few times in Monmouth over the years, I tend to cut through welsh newton, obaston and then onto raglan all depends what time you are coming home.
  10. were they waterproof and ok going through brambles?
  11. has anyone heard of percussion traditional clothing ?
  12. these are looking good. thanks foresterj
  13. thanks bud, that's a big help, just reading your views on "feed or don't feed" good reading, for the record if I go lamping about 10pm I feed the dog 1cup of moist food at midday, every athlete will eat something light some time before the event for fuel. spence75, I think we may be on the same wave length, thanks for the link..
  14. I think that's the trouble, I tend to work harder than the terriers some times,on many occasions I have come home after a days hunting, smashed up more than the dogs, the wife have made comments like "there's something wrong with you" I think she may be onto something?. anyway I am looking for something that if I go through brambles I am not getting snagged and tangled up to a degree.
  15. thanks,bud what model of seeland?
  16. yeh me to, covers way to thick didn't get the ferret out of his box this morning, just come out of the dog runs after washing dried blood of the terriers ears ( as usual this time of year).
  17. guys, can anyone recommend a good pair of rip proof/ waterproof trousers that I don't need to take out a second mortgage to buy?
  18. hope so, mind you had to much rain last season nearly traded my saluki x for a nice mallard.
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