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Everything posted by eastcoast

  1. This is very interestng. I'd never heard or read about this type before. I'm a little bit envious that people have access to game and land enough to be able to develop a new " breed " to perform a task that has been done since records began. What is it with boar hounds ? Our friends in USA and South America have developed " new " breeds. In Australia there seem to be fine dogs that are a mix of mostly European breeds that aren't really still regarded as hunting dogs in their country of origin. Why is there not such a thing as The Boar Hound ?
  2. Thanks for the input. I used to be of the opinion that I wouldn't keep a dog or bitch the isn't worth breeding from. However this was in the past when the dogs had a chance to prove themselves. The terrier I have at present hasn't really had that chance. He's done a little bit but no where near enough to make a proper judgement. So castration should not be a problem, but it still goes against the grain to render a relatively young dog incapable of passing on the genes. I'm hoping the availability of work situation may change. Kennelling the present dog and doing the same with the new bitch
  3. Hello everyone, I'm new here. Have been reading as a guest for a few months but just signed up because I'm looking for some advice from some one who may have practical knowledge. I probably shouldn't have put it on the terrier section, regarding sensible advise, but terriers are where I'm from and where I am I used to keep dogs that I worked, and could justify every aspect of that. Now I have one dog. A Russell type. He lives inside and does not get much work. I would like to get another terrier, that may also be wasted as a working dog, to keep him 'company' . So most people on here w
  4. A really interesting post. We argue about the origins of terriers developed in the British Isles. We argue about which types are the best suited to working various quarry ( short list these days ). However in USA the working terrier is developing as it was here before all the restrictions. Same criteria must apply in USA now as in the British Isles from 19th to late 20th century I would of thought. A dog small enough to get to it's prey underground but be physically sound and game enough to cope with what it finds ? Just hope a new breed called the American Ground Hog Terrier doesn't gai
  5. No easy fix Barky. Sign of the times. Just make sure you know the law, know you're in the right ( I'm sure you already do but they don't ), try and educate and reason with these ignorant people, and carry on.
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