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L200 AD

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About L200 AD

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. As title AGS compact (mini) swat wanted,please pm me if you can help thanks.
  2. thanks pav,do you know if anywhere still sells them
  3. Would this scope be ok with night vision tried to get info off net but no joy. thanks
  4. What about brick tint dye,supposed to last 30 yrs but will need sealing with polyurethane for the traffic aspect https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=brick+tinting&espv=2&biw=1304&bih=707&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0CCYQsARqFQoTCOCj2IfL9McCFcu4GgoddosPBQ
  5. You can buy premixed ballast in small 25kg bags or half tonne bags or one tonne bags.Just add cement and water. To calculate amount you need multiply length x width x depth,sq m of concrete. Merchant can then tell you how much ballast you need. Hope that helps
  6. Duuuurrrrr It;s in the gun and rifle section so he must be able to shoot it LMAO
  7. Have you ever shot anything with it ?????
  8. ye i know someone who had to drill the bolt out,my luck the thing will snap off.
  9. Stuck solid,any tips how to get it out??
  10. Aren't they doing their thing ?????lol
  11. Do what we all have to do keep knocking on doors and ask. You will get knocked back alot of times but you could get lucky.
  12. Why are you paying so much for the black gold when others are just as good but cheaper??
  13. Anyone do any pike fishing on the tees. Any size fish been caught.Been told that a couple of seals have got up stream of the Barrage?? don't know if it's true.
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