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Everything posted by leethedog

  1. Nice bitch both my pups parents are from Ireland
  2. There are a few pockets of them around if I was looking for one I'd be talking to plenty of terrier lads from Ireland
  3. There is a man on this thread that could shed more light on paddies breeding as he bred him if he wishes to do so he will
  4. Both parents work so he's a gooda chance as any time will tell and if he doesn't he'll make a lovely foot warmer on a winters night
  5. Same as any other dog lock it up alone and no . Work with the dog in a variety of settings with different dogs and it should be OK but like most strong dog types things can get ugly fast if handled wrong
  6. Had a couple die to ground and gave back 2 too lads that bred them
  7. They never have been an earth dog yeah sure they were used in the Shaw but that's not an earth strong dog duties mostly so size doesn't hinder
  8. He'll be Glenn side he has the short legs and out turned front feet
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