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Everything posted by leethedog

  1. He sells it all.off though f****r paying for ferreting lamping exetra there's enough down.here for.free
  2. I got some that side near the gun club
  3. I got.three farms including all the land on the left as you go over the bridge good lambing bit wet for.ferrets at the mo
  4. dont know about cooked meat are ye cookin the goodness out of it I think they were originally designed to eat raw meatall I know mate I tried raw and the pup shite it's gusts out so I poach meat in a little water any meat beef lamb chicken what ever put meat and water with the kibble let it steep while cooling never had a problem dogs look good on it if it ain't broke don't fix it
  5. I found raw goes.strait through a pup not nice to clean up and the pup doesn't get the goodness out of it in that case I feed cooked meets no bone mixed with Chudleys keeps em stiff and still getting extra protein for good muscle growth
  6. I had a bullxrussell that would stand to attention and show its teeth at strangers but when told to back down with an OI he would melt just needs controlling
  7. Many dogs don't like strangers as I think you would be well aware of if it were one of my dogs I'd be happy just a warning growl is good as long as for isn't towards a member of the dogs family or some one the dog knows well or over food
  8. Only just found your thread and read it start to finish can't wait till my son gets a bit older you and your dad have inspired me thank you
  9. I.went saterday in kent had to dig em all
  10. I think the wind stops em bolting especially if the holes are facing the wind
  11. Not all pats go to ground not all plumbers go.to ground come.to think of it not all terriers go to ground the type.of dog we choose is on fancy you don't buy a dog you don't fancy each to their own I believe
  12. First season dog show.it all the game.ya.can but nothing that bites back no long slips walk the dog to every sitter you can get just let it learn it's craft got one spot on in one season this way
  13. On one of our perms there is a line of black rabbits we try to leave em alone but at night ya cant tell if ferrets we release em
  14. Even if the kid did run at the dog the dog is in the wrong at 20 weeks the dog should know it's place in the order of the house at the bottom
  15. All my dogs live in the house
  16. shoot it one rule I have any aggression towards people earns the bullet
  17. Lovely little fecker that mate good pot filler
  18. Ya pays ya money ya takes ya chances breeding doesn't garente any thing it does raise the chances but thats all I've hade good dogs from pet breedings
  19. Like I said Morton injury it's down the orchard for a walk age I'll do the work till it go's
  20. There are plenty on here mate look at working russell thread
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