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Everything posted by leethedog

  1. please pm me when you have any for sale
  2. Nice pictures Mate what camera do you use
  3. Yeah we had several with young last week believe it or not saw bolters the week before
  4. Thanks for your views lads some one on here has offered to take.me for a mooch and I'm very grateful
  5. Not yet mate get a good recall and stock broken and a retrieve then at around a year old or so get it out on the lamp that's the way I've always done it only take.sitters walk right up on em so the dog can touch em with its nose when it jumps slip the dog never over face the dog nice bit of set aside is best ankle deep grass give the dog even advantage you can
  6. The dog in the picture is the double of me brothers pat X lakeland who stands 17 ttw and is built like a tank
  7. Couple of lurchers and all the nets you.can lay your hands on would be my approach
  8. Mate you better post my pictures Ave you seen some of the ones I've put up lol
  9. That guy in the pub is the font of all knowledge
  10. Not a problem I got sgc and open fire arms all sorted with a good friend he loves a bit of sport
  11. yeah I will mate all the earth's are in a scrub land next to my perm so not on my land
  12. like I've said mate I haven't dug for.around 17 years so not green but very rusty and as I've said also I've always seen me dad peg em and it worked for him so thought I'd try that no harm is there but if you had read the post you would of known all of this all my perm is farm land for rabbiting I used to run lurchers but mostly ferret now see lots of fox on the land used to run em
  13. I know it's not necessary to peg him out but when I was a kid and went digging with me dad he always pegged a pup the old man used to say ya cant teach em but ya can.educate em
  14. mate land ain't a problem got dirt just want my pup to see the job done a few times before he is a year old then I'd enter him end of next season like I said I'm not green the dog is
  15. Right here we go on the ear hole I'm 40 and haven't dug to a dog since my early twenties I have a patterdale pup of 7 months old he was gifted to me by some one who bushes and rats but no digging I'm looking for some one in the kent area who would let me come along on some digs and peg my dog out and help with the digging as I would like to get back into it and don't know any local lads who dig every one I know has running dogs go one gis a chance
  16. Nice little pup mate always fancied one me self don't see many for sale in kent
  17. Yes lee, she's a real nice bitch that catches plenty and is always a welcome addition to my team when my lad comes out,I bred her about 3 or 4 years ago but she's mostly Plummer mate,looks can be deceiving when it comes to dogs,WMwhat.else is.in her wirral
  18. When you run hares what law do you give them in the day that's the test of a dog imo
  19. Shooting over ferrets 12 g lamping and day time sniping 22 rummy definitely
  20. went out Sunday with some real good lads had 31 in all hope mike enjoyed it he's a nice guy others should take him if they can
  21. Nice chunky little fecker mate like the red too
  22. Hares shoot em gate net em lamp em do what ever just get rid of em before those poaching basterds ruin my crops is what a farmer once said to me
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