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Everything posted by leethedog

  1. As I don't get edrd could someone please put a picture up
  2. I'm in kent me mate has 3/4 X wheaton about 26
  3. Nice and nippy and hopefully better skin qnd coat than.a whippet but if you just want a small allout runner for bushing to a whippet
  4. shouldn't mater either used as dam shouldn't have a problem birthing the pups as long As if patt is sire it head aint one of those massive bull headed ones needless to say both need to be workers
  5. Depends on what side the pups take to 5/8 3/8 is what I'd go.for
  6. they make a very handy little lurcher I've seen one a bloke from medway has one its.a demon on reddit like it more than the traditional beddy whippet
  7. Right people I'm gonna take a chance on fairy 10 I only hunt legally I'm police checked crb in he is who he says he is then we owe him an apology if he ain't then we will know
  8. Took the dogs for.a walk on a permission to day and it seems that we haven't dented the rabbit population on it.It's rough marsh type land and despite taking over 800 rabbits off of it over this season by various methods including ferreting there is still loads out
  9. I got some perms by putting an add on a aquestrian site
  10. ALOT of small lurchers can kill puss they just need shorter slips as in coursing with whippets I've seen small dogs do better than larger ones on small fields maybe not on fen land though
  11. Mate that is one nice looking dog
  12. Bull X brings a lot to the table if I were able to house another it would be bull.x
  13. These people who did it are animals some fecker should invent a bacon bom that explodes above ground and shower the c**ts in pork products as they don't believe in human rights feck them and their distorted beliefs
  14. Where was you when It disappeared what area
  15. Nice work mate must be a better shot than me to hit starlings
  16. mm must of been very close friends with whippets
  17. Nice pup mate hope he makes the grade for you atb
  18. Young lad would.av pick up in seconds
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