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Everything posted by leethedog

  1. As been said buy the right dog for.the job you don't.bang in.nails with.a frying pan do you
  2. Yeah mate them.bands are spot on
  3. I'm just getting back in to digging after 20 years of running dogs all I can say is read as much as you can ask questions but don't be to prying and be honest I used to dig with me dad but I was young and not a lot went in at 13 now he is wheel chair bound he can tell me but there is nothing like going and doing it try and find someone local who will let you tag along and do their digging with them
  4. It's because it's good carbon steel with a hard temper and the blade cross section is fine / thin. The finer the cross section the better it cuts , the down side is its prone to snapping or chipping out the edge because of the hard temper . As kids we snapped them loads ! Openiels aren't hard working knives there just cutting tools . Really hard work they will fall to bits , but I believe they where designed as utility knives so a very very good design that stands the test of time . Use the original fieldcrafter as an example . We wanted a knife that cuts fine like a razor . (Higher sabre g
  5. Took the cattie out for a spin this morning on me dog exercise one shot one rabbit it's a killer lol m eight nuts perfect amo
  6. Just let a young dog play.with dead prey if you can I find this the best way of teaching a pup what it should be looking (smelling) for and pay attention to your dog all dogs mark different some are very subtle some are mad I had one as a kid that would pee on a rabbit burry
  7. Like has bin said get a good puppy biscuit and add any meat but not pork oily fish is good and feed 4 times a day brown bread mixed in is also good carbs which help the body store fats good luck
  8. You would start that now I've had one off ya bet it'll be cracking
  9. also Brian is a fecking nice dog foxpack
  10. Don't take this the wrong way but that's the best yet that I've seen of yours on here
  11. Thanks gents think I'll give it a miss then and go for tracker 2
  12. put one over a cocker and I'd Ave it for.bushingI was thinking the same, they a lot to addwhat the cocker yeah mate yeah a plummer x cocker would make a smashing bushing dog There is nothing a cocker could put in to make a decent Plummer better, my mate trains lots of cockers, springers, pointers,gun dogs of all types and he regularly comes out for a day with me and is amazed how they smash through the cover, never miss a scent and some days catch more than the lurchers, I would say get out and see some decent ones work not the show type stuff that makes up 95% of Plummers, I work mine all o
  13. sorry to inform you but .one trick poneys they definatly are NOT!! most of the time the faults are with the owners becouse they havnt a fkn clue how to deal with them let me guess you OWN one what a surprise lol
  14. will it arrive and be found not to work I am interested but a little apprehensive
  15. Wouldn't give a saluki or a saluki rich lurcher house room imho they are shite one trick poneys all the ones I've seen need massive expanses to catch any thing no good round my neck of the woods ok on fen land but not what I would call a good lurcher
  16. Yeah Owen was nice hear the birds sing cut some holly show the boy a nice piece of woodland not much on our island all farm or housing will take him to camp there in the summer
  17. Anyone using or have used this transponder what they likehttp://cat.fr.eu.criteo.com/delivery/ck.php?ckmode=9&cb=1203739c13&u=%7ctOwFYqNBjeJtWelp0Beey072TV6mgZWeoDZylMlaGyM%3d%7c&did=54f531260b0aefc622587266862c28f0&nlsid=65642&uaCap=4&c1=7UIgFsXgMJt2XcbZLpJKMpLwfiVkxZYnmC4dJ6WXDuXLqSValPepu7pndLgyMjLbvBRJLOMcsGm7k7bgrd56AfxxFn-j_eef6hX6VCg0LySHU0zYWfqzflzqsfD5ZaZk1eTwdOLFoZTcb5mB0JrUGLCLwdRwzWtB9LdkW06T6Vq_jBf-ckfeV-ocrsZnM5J2hYVEok38LSMPQKrjmGdlbBfsNr96gCn7A4iWoVDs6P6ITQ8s60Py0jYALXD1zs5qesZSSqbvfYWxT_Uct3JE3Msa4k0shqcBJoLYdJJ3_5dV7txQORsY6Q&maxdest=http%3a%2f%2fw
  18. We will still be at it in July get em gone is the orders
  19. put one over a cocker and I'd Ave it for.bushing I was thinking the same, they a lot to addwhat the cocker yeah mate
  20. put one over a cocker and I'd Ave it for.bushing
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