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Everything posted by leethedog

  1. I was offered a white lakeland type last year that had just killed 2 kennel mates didn't take.it as to me a dog like that is a liability
  2. I think nearly every pup I had has tried to mount something me the Mrs other dogs soft toys just to name a few items not only dogs doing it but batches also I must bring it out in them lol
  3. Cheaper to go to local garage or car body shop with shovel and 2 peices of threaded steel pipe get em to cut the spade and sleeve the pipe in side and weld it then drill through and add a nut and bolt to stop it twisting while digging
  4. about the best looking Plummers I've seen on here nice square heads credit to you
  5. Maybe so but there legecy lives on.I'm no terrier font of knowledge but surely the blood is so diluted there is only a thimble of it in any dog now
  6. busterbuster if this is buster he is the image of my brothers buster the dog in the bottom picture is a real nice beast real nice stamp not leggy
  7. This is mine not bad for £30 all in
  8. nice strong truck perform well off road and quite comfortable on road
  9. but couldn't turn it round on a foot ball pitch turning circle of a oil tanker
  10. I also pmd him and got no reply so bought a shovel for £20 and a fitter at work sorted it for me that cost me 12 cans of Stella bargain
  11. Realy nice work nice every day cattie nice and strong with the metal centre
  12. I think foxdropper has sewn this one up for ya some.good.advice
  13. bit of a c*nt was she no mate at the same time I had a lurcher called itchy
  14. Had a blue 1st cross dog do exactly the same thing at the time my dogs lived in kennels the only thing that put a stop.to it was having the dog live in the house at the time I.was getting.about with an old.boy he was the one who.told me to take the dog out of kennel in to home and bingo 2 months latter the dog wouldn't leave my side and.was very quick on recall
  15. Did you get to try the new dog you had on trial.yeah mate he done well give him last test this weekend with some one more experienced than me.there
  16. jigsaw is.that a hard hat I can see
  17. I had one years back a all white bitch called fanny good.rabbit dog but that's all
  18. No hand.slap and quiet Where do you get it from
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