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Everything posted by leethedog

  1. I've found many a working dog good new homes for people but you can't take a dog on trial it not do what is supposed to do not pay the man and give the dog to the old geezer down the road as a companion I got a russell x plummer here that a friend couldn't keep coz his marriage has just collapsed I ain't Noah lol but I'll find someone decent for him he's a real nice dog good ratter all the lads I know know I'll always do my best for a animal I'm just a soft twat if I had just gone and bought the red dog and found him out to be a chocolate tea pot I WOULD'VE found him a good home but I didn't b
  2. not mine to give away doughnut can't just give another man's animal away besides he's back with the doughnut who tried to pass him off as something he wasn't
  3. yeah I think that isn't a dog being keen I think that is some one encouraging a mark in the past with him geeing him up like when hes on a earth not the dogs fault just poor entering past owners fault
  4. lol he ain't locking the floor he was sniffing ya nutter
  5. Did you just try the dog the once in empty earth, I bought a black dog years ago that false marked the first earth I tried him in, I then dug him in the next earth that was holding, this went on for a few more times he'd false mark but if there was 1 in we would get a dig, ths went on for a few weeks then he stopped false marking mate we checked loads of earth's took him on test as a no holes bard 100% real deal digging dog held him for 2 weeks coz he was in poor condition had one last week with him on me own took him this week and like I say false marks allover and wanting in on a post hole
  6. Getting worried he's gonna be to big
  7. Comes from west London Croydon way I believe
  8. The chocolate tea pot if offered this dog don't take it
  9. Nice rifle beats my old bsa sporter lol bet you still get out shot no mater what optics you put on lol alb
  10. very generous offer wish I were a jock lol nice one mate
  11. Good even if ya get nought good practice for next winter keep going chin up
  12. no he was not mate it was me the trusted dog definitely knows it's job the shite red one who looked the part who some charlatan tried to sell me wanted to drop in any hole he saw including a post hole ho hum he ain't my problem no more I WILL get a pup from good stock and do my best with what I have till then
  13. Rio I work nights so I can only get to post office on a Monday or Saturday pm me price and details please and I'll sort it out tomorow if possible thanks
  14. KC pups them pal show ponies look good with pink nails lol
  15. Yeah Ray send me a pm mate I'm not a Messer lol
  16. I can get us a strong lakeland 2 year old just don't read the chocolate tea pot post lol
  17. You could smell fox all around must of been in at some Time red dog just barking on scent
  18. The oil tank is for oiling the chain! You need to mix it 50:1 with 2stoke for normal use, to make it a smoker add more oil to the mix not to much more or your sparkplug will just coke up real quick
  19. Well went out this morning with a man who has a dog that can be trusted took along the red dog I had on trial the dog lied on mark laid in a earth barking at nothing run the trusted dog through just to check so the one I had with the red dog last week must of been beginners luck owell no money had changed hands yet so back it goes edited to add we checked probably 15 earths so not all this in one place no one home any where but it was a nice warm day out
  20. Just out of interest what would be prized more a flat out fox killer or a bay and mix type
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