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Everything posted by Barry83

  1. Barry83


    Load of utter bs I live near Edinburgh and there is normally a supposed big cat seen somewhere in the Lothians I worked on a farm a while back and a taxi driver seen one in the middle of the night then at the edge of the town where my mother lives it was seen again a few days later turn out it was a dark bull mastiff that was running lose I also have another story of said big and a mate killing sheep turns out it was someone we have all heard befores prized labs that won't be killing sheep again don't listen to the clowns from Edinburgh next there will be the new Loch Ness monster in the pond
  2. Will keep my ear to the ground and send these photos to all terrier people I know hope you get her back and the scum get what's coming to them
  3. All I'm trying to get at is a time and a place a forum is no place for this I'm one of they people that I'm sure there is a few and pick my words wisely as you never know who is reading things I'm either really paranoid in this day and age or am completely mad I will go with both if it helps haha us people need to stick together and make what we do and how we do it a respectable sport not drag it any further down imagine if you where back to when you first started out with terriers and read this post you would be thinking is this how it goes down so Come on lads pm each other for not us but th
  4. Anyone up the edinburgh area

  5. This has nothing to do with me but from what I have read this is turning nasty I'm not defending anyone here as I don't know any of you but we are all supposed to enjoy our terriers and what they do that's why we are on here every sport that involves dogs has as the say the riff raff that take the sport down now I'm not saying anyone here is said riff raff but come on guys and girls give it a rest this started off as to how pups where doing its making us all look bad if we all love this game as much as we say we do and especially nowadays forget what you have heard and seen the bad ones will h
  6. Speechless as to why you toke the dog home lol maybe one of they moments where you think I've had to many scrumpy jacks haha
  7. Cracking looking dog looms solid enough I like them small
  8. Sounds like your neighbouring shoot has very little duck flighting experience if you hear a couple of shots and a pile turn up all together not pointing the finger hear but shooting them on the water bad sportsmanship start feeding barley and keep it quiet till your ready can almost guarantee you will have a good flight by then in pairs or threes happy shooting
  9. Try a nomad best jacket I have had if not your fancy shoffel pack away range people I know have them and swear by them
  10. Hi just wondering if there is any working terrier clubs near East lothian as I can't seem to find any I'm just getting back into terrier work and am looking for some like minded people to get to know I currently have 2 patterdales a two year old bitch and a 8 month dog
  11. Depends how many days your getting and how many are in the syndicate I would say walked up days are the best shooting any man can have but that's my opinion a full driven pheasant day would set you back anywhere from 125 to 300 a gun depending time of year and estate
  12. Just go buy a ball launcher from pets at home cheaper
  13. If you want this kinda life you will travel the length of the country go for it what can you lose presuming your young lol
  14. Dummy launchers are not necessary for training if you have a young dog start with a tennis ball retrieval then up your game to just dummy's dummy launchers are primarily for long distance retrieves to let your dog get a better mark on it as it draws attention with the sound
  15. I use a spaniel lab crossand a gwp lab cross great dogs spaniel cross hunts hard marks well and retrieves good pointer lab a different story very strong dog which is handy if we are in a bit where not shot much will hunt everything and will point 9 times out of ten unless it's a fox she goes straight in seen some guns get a fright when she brings old Charlie back
  16. Automatic feeder throw it away your better feeding the pond's yourself depending if you have put ducks on the pond or wild ones coming in at dusk if it's wild ducks go to the ponds at dusk see how many comes in then feed about two kilos if all gone next trip up the amount you give I know not everyone can make feeding all the time unless your a keeper bu if you want to shoot a good amount of ducks time has to be spent hope this helps
  17. Bit late but try the dvd by Martin Edgar been on shot days with him and his dogs are a dream to watch also if it helps depending on if you want to pick up some tips ask a trialing competition if you can pick up the birds that they don't find as I have done in the past up here hope this helps
  18. Cracking shooting there what kind of pellets you using
  19. Thanks hopefully find this helpful and help others along the way
  20. Hi to all just joined after putting it off to long just getting back into the way of life after being out of it for a good while. Enjoy shooting gundog and just starting terrier work hopefully this winter any help would be appreciated Thanks
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