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Everything posted by Teckers

  1. Can't get you tight fuker to buy one never mined two lol Your eyes are purification triggers misses sed so lol its you nose the can't see past lol I'm doing prototype for you and stitches he sounds tighter than me lolno your just in front of me trig, your the only boy I know who hangs his teabags out to dry so you can use them again ?
  2. Can't get you tight fuker to buy one never mined two lol Your eyes are purification triggers misses sed so lol its you nose the can't see past lol I'm doing prototype for you and stitches who said anything about buying one you can sponsor me as I'm the best lamper in the uk ?, and don't start with the eyes and my button nose you'll have me blushing again mun lol
  3. if you had the option of two say one to compete with the blitz and one to compete with the 170 which you already have plus being cordless with a reliable dimmer I think you'd be onto a winner and as been said with the added option of a filter, maybe a stupid question but can you get an led with the halogen colour ? I can't get on with the led or hid beam as well as the halogen that's just my eyes tho, so come on ya lazy b*****d get a move on season will be hear before we know it lol
  4. Belter of a pup mate fp hope she does you proud ?
  5. Can you get one with a built in first aid kit for stitches Dai?
  6. you still lining yours mate? she didn't catch mate I had her scanned two weeks ago but she was empty so il try again when she breaks down again but that'l be next year now I would of thought
  7. All the best in finding the right pup mate and if I hear anything il drop you a pm
  8. I hope you find what your looking for pal ?
  9. Lol he might buy one if he could drink it lol? He'd have a good go dun worry, well done last night aswel pal ?
  10. A friend of mines been after a good lamp for a while Dai he may be interested in one of these new ones
  11. Theyr handy bit of kit fp iv seen them in action both with hounds and lampin and they definitely worth having we had a little incident this afternoon with a member off here we hit something off and all dogs apart from one came back we called and searched the mountain and moors for hours but no such luck got back to the truck hoping he made his way back but no joy and pitch black, cut a long story short luckily dog was found after a few phone calls and he was found miles away in a quarry happy ending but could of been so different, I think he's investing in one now ?
  12. im not sure sorry mate they'll probably say no tho so you'll buy a knew one, my old blitz variable proper melted inside the handle I had to rewire that aswel but the dimmer didn't work after and I lost all faith in it after a few more faulty lamping sessions so bought the new 170 enforcer and a cordless one of d Lloyd
  13. Cut the clips right off the filter drill hole through the bottom of the lamp and filter and tread key ring through the both job done way less hassle and fiddling about in the dark and you'll never lose it either ?
  14. I don't really get why you'd cross a bull and a whippet as already been stated they take to much stick for the bigger stuff and a pure whippet or a beddy whip wud be a better choice on the bunnies than this cross so can't really see the point tbh each to their own though all the best if you do choose it
  15. Yep that defo wouldn't of been left to rot plenty of meat wasted there
  16. Nice pup pal all the best in the future with him looks like he's Guna be a fair lump when he's older
  17. Iv got the enforcer halogen 170 variable, good lamp the battery's ain't worth a wank at the moment though way to bulky and don't last long enough but then you stil got the connection problems when connected to lithium iv also got a cordless off d Lloyd and I must say a cracking lamp for the money, robust and very handy fp i do prefer the halogen light tho if I'm honest or isit because iv spent so much on the enforcer lithium set up I feel I need to get my use out of it lol
  18. All the best for the future i don't know you but it's plain to see your passionate about your mutts and the game thanks for sharing your memories and knowledge ?
  19. Litter brother/sister both got plenty of fire in them but there's more in the mix then bull/Wheaton and grey in them fuking mongrels lol they defo do theyr job though
  20. thats what happens in the lambing game everything done at top speed atbyep that's the game we r in and you cant wrap them in cotton wool and I'd rather have a do or die type than a half hearted pooch, it's just been one of them seasons aswel I think, hopefully therel be a pup on the ground this summer anyway so she l have backup after next season ?
  21. a watched a thing with wolves a would say its totally different the wolves attack it together as they don't want to get injured they injury there prey then follow it as said totally different.what would owners do to turn it to the dogs favour explain it what dog was used etci know wolves hunt in packs pal but iv also seen a lone wolf kill a bison on a documentary aswel so it can be done, I'd say by being a hunter which understands it's quarry and trying to work out the best way to approach what ever he's into same as all hunting really, I couldn't comment on what dogs fella because mine certai
  22. Hope you get the bitch Back,fuking scumbags c**ts
  23. I got a bitch out of cocos line and if she's still hunting like her sire at his age il be a happy man fp that dogs been some animal and put some fire into his pups aswel, I can't see her living until his age after the season Iv had mind let alone still hunting the boys are calling her sicknote ffs ?
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