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Everything posted by CHEVINFOX

  1. Gamekeeping Equipment | Game & Country | Scotland WWW.GAMEANDCOUNTRY.CO.UK Game keeping equipment for professionals. incubators & hatchers. Moorland management. rearing equipment. Traps snaring equipment vermin control. Brooders...
  2. Bowmont forest looking to the cheviot hills the cottages near windywalls
  3. west of yore meet at ripon if they are still going
  4. usually have a walk up there then down to hownam up to the ford near the big roman camps / outdoor centre and round to oxnam and see not a soul . ps. would you like some venison bugers i've got 300 in the freezers and got 2 more deer to do at the weekend
  5. moved up here from west yorkshire (otley) and it's a lot nicer free to walk anywhere
  6. I like that very much did you do it ?
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