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Everything posted by CHEVINFOX

  1. just looked it up and foxes have cubs in aug/sep in Australia they've adapted to their seasons so are our seasons changing ?
  2. keeper I know dug a vixen with 3 cubs mid December a few years ago
  3. clulite with a 75w lightforce lance 75w & striker 100w
  4. by the time you f%&^$£ about with a dummy launcher you could throw 10 dummies imo
  5. Make sure it is police approved have a look on thesafeshop.co.uk
  6. found some hammered coins roman coins musket balls and 2 gold rings and plenty of sh*&
  7. start with short retrieves 6ft or so and lots & lots of fuss 5 or 10 mins a day
  8. ask the syndicate members to help with dogging-in/ feeding est . we get the members to pay £30 on a shoot day to go to paying the beaters NO beaters NO shooting
  9. i'd like to say a quick hello. I do a bit of foxing round and about west/north yorks & help run a shoot 1000 birds to woods
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