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Everything posted by CHEVINFOX

  1. have look on here //http://www.butchersequipment.co.uk/butchers-accessories-77.html
  2. I would use old bricks, flags, slates if you haven't got any pipes
  3. And these http://www.sporting-videos.com/sporting-videos/
  4. here you go , good watch these http://foxhuntingwithlurchers.co.uk/
  5. I've replaced 50w for a 75w in my cluelite & a 50w for a100w in my 170 just eats the power
  6. here you go http://www.gameandcountry.co.uk/Vermin+Control/0_CAAA135.htm http://collinsnets.co.uk/product-category/vermin-control/vermin-traps
  7. Some nice pictures there, and what a location
  8. Nice shooting do you think that they were dumped ?
  9. Nice shooting, shot a vixen last December which was in cub and well on
  10. just made one of these in 10 minutes
  11. have a look on here http://www.gameandcountry.co.uk/Vermin+Control/0_CAAA135.htm http://collinsnets.co.uk/product-category/vermin-control/vermin-traps
  12. have a look on here http://www.gameandcountry.co.uk/Snares+%26+Snare+Wires/0_CAAA135_CAAA189.htm
  13. They've been feeding well cushty keep at them nice bit of shooting by the way
  14. Toyota for me have a look on auto trader 4x4 and the van section good look
  15. pm me your address or your phone number
  16. iv got 21 if you would like them had them for years not be used
  17. You look familiar have we met before nice one
  18. How far are you willing to travel ? ( 10 20 50 miles ) what dogs have you
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