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Everything posted by CHEVINFOX

  1. nice to see magpies been control keep at them MR TEA POT just ignore the negative C#NTS
  2. thanks guys it was the farmer who said it was a gos .i did say it was a hen sparrowhawk he said you might be right but i think your wrong
  3. well done slipper keep looking it's mate will not be so fare away
  4. does 2 swallows make a summer ? these 2 just arrived to day, west yorks
  5. this lad does coyotes your side of the pond http://californiacatchers.com/index.asp?ID=26
  6. get a steel spike and some road kill as much as you can and make a big kebab foxes are quite active this time of year so you will have to spend some time waiting . had some taking chickens at 2.30 in the afternoon last week
  7. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/squirrel-snaring/
  8. http://www.gameandcountry.co.uk/Traps/0_CAAA135_CAAA161.htm make sure you get the springers or fenn mk4's
  9. cauliflower http://www.wildfooduk.com/mushroom-guides/cauliflower-fungas-mushroom/
  10. looks like a female little bustard http://www.rarebirdalert.co.uk/v2/Content/Finders_in_the_field_Little_Bustard_Dorset_Nov_2014.aspx?s_id=527767016
  11. this is a vid of how to load a snare https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rd2dDubzSkc if you need anything else just ask
  12. have a look at this it give you start https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2enPznh5Egs one of the snare shops does a kit with all you need i will have a look for you found it http://www.jcwildlife.co.uk/ourshop/
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hR2oSZvZHnM&feature=iv&src_vid=cHT0aCrzNtA&annotation_id=annotation_2755443211
  14. How did the gsd get to qualify for crufts in the first place ? kennel club are a bunch of cu#ts
  15. 3 ft ish and i think it's quite quick growing sow in may
  16. see if they have got / mustard /quinoa / sunflower /millet /kale https://www.kingscrops.co.uk/index.php/products/product/30-wildlife-winter-holding-cover
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