have a look on here = https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=N1U1XcvBA56IjLsPk66TuAk&q=wild+camping+scotland&oq=wild+ca&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i131j0l2j0i131l2j0l2j0i131j0l2.8845.15869..22670...0.0..0.334.1076.3j4j0j1......0....1..gws-wiz.....0.zeHyjTva684
having the odd one is not a problem, the shoot i was on was not far from Harewood House who had a release program
we had to give up on some partridge drives just too many harassing them, no more ground nesting chicks
there's no shoot on harewood now
gutted for him after all the hard work he's put in to them.
had similar when I was keepering in yorkshire went to pen and 20+ red kites lifted looked in the pen and picked up over 30 poults
and they say kites don't kill