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Everything posted by CHEVINFOX

  1. there's definitely a lot more about this year , nice to see painted lady red admiral
  2. has the fox got a small bottom jaw or is it just the angel of the picture
  3. have a look on here = https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=N1U1XcvBA56IjLsPk66TuAk&q=wild+camping+scotland&oq=wild+ca&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i131j0l2j0i131l2j0l2j0i131j0l2.8845.15869..22670...0.0..0.334.1076.3j4j0j1......0....1..gws-wiz.....0.zeHyjTva684
  4. https://www.camerajungle.co.uk/ have a look on her
  5. having the odd one is not a problem, the shoot i was on was not far from Harewood House who had a release program we had to give up on some partridge drives just too many harassing them, no more ground nesting chicks there's no shoot on harewood now
  6. gutted for him after all the hard work he's put in to them. had similar when I was keepering in yorkshire went to pen and 20+ red kites lifted looked in the pen and picked up over 30 poults and they say kites don't kill
  7. no, the boss has more money than you can shake a stick at
  8. round about 1to 2%, think you get 2% of the hatchery for losses
  9. that's the sort of youngster you want on a shoot , i once hatched some in a old wardrobe in the cellar
  10. same here 8 bags of sunflower harts (12.6kgs each )5 bags peanuts 4 split maze and dozens of puddings , however the rewards are well worth it
  11. yeah felt sorry for them rained for 30 odd hours so made them 4 sponge pudding with some seeds in to keep them going
  12. this years new stock 12,500 day olds 12 pens aside
  13. have a look on here = 1 of 8 vids
  14. yeah so do i, been giving them some food to help not a lot of bugs about in this weather
  15. not stopped raining for 24hrs up here in the scotch borders
  16. stavross is correct it's a female reed bunting
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