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Everything posted by wyddfa

  1. Ahh I've always fancied getting that book. He turns up at meets in trainers/football boots. Probably could've been a top class fell runner if he put his mind to it. I reckon he could still do most of us following the hounds! Great man, not many of his kind around. I hope he isn't the last man to truly document our hunting scene.
  2. Dave Harcombe lent me a very old copy of Jock of the Bushveldt once. I got to say, that is quality writing, a must read for any dog man. Steve.
  3. I've enjoyed a good few days hunting with Lyn years back. I didn't know he'd put out books! I must get em!! Lyn has racked up more mileage than a 747 following hounds! I think he knows the Lakes and its huntsmen as well as his own back garden in south Wales. On compiling the Try Back volumes, he was back and forth for months, compiling stories and interviews and collecting photographs for the books. He did the same with the Hunters of the Welsh Hills books too. It's definitely a labour of love... and it does show in the quality. As Neil says, it's a hard thing to do to get all thes
  4. I don't understand the science in this to be honest, but one thing is for sure, it's all in the breeding... the bloodlines. Good hounds are bred from for their strengths, and good scenting is a strength that any huntsman would look for and try to keep strong in his pack. A good huntsman can usually tell which hound is leading and who's more likely to hit a line first. JP is a huntsman that has run and bred hounds for many years, so if that what he feeds his hounds..., that's what he feeds his hounds!
  5. Hunters of the Welsh Hills - Volume 2 I know there was some interest in the first volume of this book a few weeks ago, and that lead to the mention of volume 2, which happened to be in production at that time. Well, I can now say that volume 2 is here and looks great. Amazing quality harback book, over 250 pages, full colour throughout. Perfect companion to volume 1 – a proper collector's set of books. And like Lyn's previous project profiling the hunters of the Lake District, Try Back Lads, Try Back, they will sell out quickly. I've attached some info on the book, which includes the
  6. That FB is hilarious. I love the comments from people who thing it's all genuine ???
  7. I had a working type Bassett a few years back. Not as leggy as the one shown, but much leaner and leggier than the 'show type'. I remember bumping into a regular Crufts shower and breeder who reckoned ours looked a right sorry state and should probably have been put down as a pup because of his 'flaws'! Well, let me tell you, that flawed dog would trail a fox all day, never lacking enthusiasm and lived to nearly 15. Active to about 12-13. Whereas those show things were totally knackered by 5, dead by six, with it's only contribution to the world being a massive amount of sh*t and huge vet'
  8. If you love and follow your hounds, and have an interest in the Welsh scene, it's a great read. I can also tell you that volume 2 is on its way to the presses next week, and it has some cracking chapters/profiles, including Bryn Richards, David Davies; Mark Powell, Brecon; Richard Williams, Eryri... and much, much more. There aren't many volume 1s left, and the release of volume 2 will likely sell them out. Get on it! For those that aren't familiar with this book. Lyn did a similar thing a few years ago on the history of the Lake District hunts, 'Try Back, Try Back Lads'. Again over
  9. Just done my bit. Get on it people. It's only a simple yes/no question, and at this moment in time it's swinging in our favour at 55-45. Let's help them get public opinion a million miles away from that of the council and its proposals.
  10. Hello to everyone from deepest, darkest Carmarthenshire. Been lurking about the site for a while, looking for advice and generally following the chats, but thought it about time to start posting to make the most of this great Website and forum. Steve.
  11. Paul Dooley is a top bloke. Primarily a running dog man, but he does know his terriers – one of the few that works Russells these days – and the hunting community well enough to make a fair review. I've seen the new book... and if I'm honest, I'd say it was well overpriced, but I'd never say not to buy it. The many that bought his first book will surely want this second volume, even though the quality (and quantity) of the written content is not good, there are fine terriermen profiled in it. S.
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