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About zatoan

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    The HunterFields.com Hunting store offers a wide variety of hunting gear&equipment. For the avid hunter we offer up a slew of ways to properly track and target your next trophy, with the world's best collection of rifle scopes, night vision, range finders, binoculars and other products from popular brands.
  1. Only advice I would give to anybody for what it's worth is, there is a lot of clay pigeon clubs around now and all will have guns for sale, it's worth calling at these clubs first as you can at least try before you buy, and the chances are they will be more helpful than a sales assistant in a gun shop as they will want you back shooting clays after the sale. Good luck with the clays…
  2. nice bag and write up fellas. Im up your way tomorrow and Tuesday if you need someone to laugh at.
  3. Nice shooting bud I like to see maggies shot
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