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Everything posted by Truther

  1. I think to say "they more than make up for the concussion effect of bigger, heavier ammo" is stretching it a bit mate, and if that was true, and its not, why bother getting a lead mould, you want a bit more "clout" for something out performing bigger/heavier shot already? Stand at 30 yards and i'll shoot at you with a 9.5 steel, and then an 1/2 lead, one on each arse cheek, might change your mind a bit
  2. What happens if we all run off mate?............Its our country, bought and paid for by countless generations..........the wrong uns running it don't have the right to do as they please..........the sheeple just don't look at it like that, totally brainwashed I agree with you, not to run from your own land but unfortunately your own people are your worst enemy. It is the same here, i watched on the news last night pensioner age, decent looking white people rallying to keep some illegal immigrants here who have been ordered to go to manus island for processing. They were even saying they wi
  3. What happens if we all run off mate?............Its our country, bought and paid for by countless generations..........the wrong uns running it don't have the right to do as they please..........the sheeple just don't look at it like that, totally brainwashed
  4. Who's really at fault, the liberal idiots, or the majority that voted them in? Lets see what happens at the next Swedish elections, if they vote for the liberals again f**k em they deserve what they get.
  5. Try a drop of maize oil in the dogs food mate, about half a tablespoon every other day, sounds daft, and we all know flaked maize/maize flower is a no no for dogs, but a bit of maize oil can improve the coat, had fair results with a problem terrier i had, i got the tip off a show woman years ago, i doubted it at first, but it seemed to work.
  6. Just to save some money for the two lads saying put kingspan in floors...........Waste of time, in a house/building it stops heat loss through the floor, concrete sucks at your heating, external floors open to elements will be cold anyway..........Dig down and the ground temp is always higher than surface temp, Kingspan would actually make the floor colder in theory, preventing ground heat striking up. So heated buildings enclosed.........good idea to put in, floors open to elements a waste of money if that makes sense. To OP...........I use double skinned ply box, void between ply filled
  7. The rule of thumb makes sense. Certain large expenditures are necessary irrespective of population size, others increase as a function of population. However, I don't understand how that brings into question the conclusion that less need of government will result in a lower cost of government? My thinking, and it may very well be incorrect, is that if you cut back on government services then quite logically the government requires a smaller budget and therefore less tax revenue. I'm not denying that for any given service, a larger population will result in a lower cost to each individu
  8. Rule of thumb seems to be.............more people, less spent per capita? http://www.ifs.org.uk/bns/bn43.pdf If that's right, less need = less expenditure just don't add up?
  9. Just a thought, but why don't they tax big corporations as they should, that would bring a few quid in. Not very likely though when the people calling the shots own big corporations is it
  10. "Oh yes. It's not just individuals who overspend on their credit cards. The EU was accused earlier this month of “breathtaking hypocrisy” in demanding the extra payment from Westminster despite failing its own audit. The European Court of Auditors found that £109bn out of a total of £117bnspent by the EU in 2013 was "affected by material error”. It means that the accounts submitted by Brussels have not been given the all clear for almost two decades" I'd like to see a definition of "material error" I don't think you have to go much past the EU expenditure graph to realise farming sub
  11. You don't think a grown man that has sex with 15 year old girl should go to jail? I don't care how slutty they dress or how "up for it" they seem you don't have sex with children FFS The Law has made rulings on age alone, like it or not, that is the Law!Exactly, the line has to be drawn somewhere and it's been decided that 16 is that line. Control yourself or face the consequences, simple as that. For what it's worth I'd still say he's a wrongun for sleeping with a 16 year old at 27, just not a wrongun that's broken the law. " Control yourself or face the consequences" Inter
  12. You don't think a grown man that has sex with 15 year old girl should go to jail? I don't care how slutty they dress or how "up for it" they seem you don't have sex with children FFS The Law has made rulings on age alone, like it or not, that is the Law! Exactly, the line has to be drawn somewhere and it's been decided that 16 is that line. Control yourself or face the consequences, simple as that. For what it's worth I'd still say he's a wrongun for sleeping with a 16 year old at 27, just not a wrongun that's broken the law. " Control yourself or face the consequences"
  13. Same thing applies to random walling mate, way better to make it go somewhere when you pick one up, if you mess about you get nowhere fast. I had a similar thing last week with reclaimed bricks, the bent old fashioned type, not very clean ones, most i did was a clip here and there with the trowel to get the bigger lumps of gobbo off, then just used them, turned out pretty good for a pile of shite
  14. Trustees of Charities are seldom paid a wage/salary (expenses are a different matter) except in exceptional circumstances, neither do they get Golden handshakes "generally". There are of course exceptions, so who knows, but somehow I doubt she got a golden handshake, even if she had historically been paid! Trustee's or general councils, whatever they're called, will decide who gets contracts to supply or perform services for that organisation, loads of opportunity to get back handers. A good look through who supplies them and connections to members usually shows some wrong do
  15. This should be posted on all forums imo, its an important issue for us all, and not everybody bothers with general talk, its to biased down here to get realistic results i reckon?
  16. Bad luck that mate, i got virtually wiped out years ago (terriers) still think about what i lost now, a hard blow to take, i hope your luck changes
  17. Peers are not immune to mental illness and dementia. Knew it Where do i send his hat ? I don't know Shepp? He's been reported as dead, then some say he's still alive, nobody seems to know? Hardly a surprise is it Tinfoiler, he hasn't been dead for long then? In fact it's no doubt just another arse twitching conspiracy rumour. http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201516/ldhansrd/ldallfiles/peers/lord_hansard_5103_od.html I said "i don't know, he's been reported as dead, then some say he's still alive" Didn't look any further into it, it had no bearing
  18. sasoon, gaitner, greenspan.............All up to their eyes in it, as usual Defending a nonce might be slightly strong...........But your last post in the janner thread came over like you were relieved he'd died? "i can hear the tinfoil rustling from here" i think it went? I'm not losing a grip on reality at all Shepp, just not swallowing the false version of reality spoon fed to us, and i'm not alone
  19. That was my grandad who relocated them hares for Johnny kingdom. I never seen that one.. How many did he relocate and how are they doing ?? I think it was close to 70 hares. And buy all accounts the hare population has nearly double in the last 5 years. Can't rember what parts of the county they went to. So 70 protected hares have doubled their numbers in 5 years...........Sounds nearer the truth than some claims on this thread
  20. Peers are not immune to mental illness and dementia. In fact they seem rather prone to it when they're accused of disgusting crimes... Its the names involved Shepp's worried about............Even to the point of defending a nonce in a recent thread
  21. That comes to about 2,600 hares a year, how do the survivors breed those numbers back each year? Over 8 years that's 20,800 hares......from one shoot biggest load of bollocks iv'e ever read on here.
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