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bunny bandit

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Everything posted by bunny bandit

  1. Loving the parang. That's a proper tool that is. Regards Bb
  2. Very generous offer mac just a shame you're not closer, my boy would love one of those.
  3. I had this knife offered to me and to be honest if I had the money spare I would have purchased it. The handle is a complete one of a kind and in my opinion the level of craftsmen ship that has gone into it justifies the price. All the best and happy hunting. Bb
  4. That's some very impressive work! Bb
  5. That knife is a stunner! If still up for grabs please message me
  6. Good luck with it all. Hope you find some good homes for them. Bb
  7. Very well said. Far too many mindless little fuckers with no respect for nature. Atb lads and happy hunting Bb
  8. Looking good. Where did you get them? How much? I have a HW45 that could do with new grips and abit of a clean up. Atb Bb
  9. Got to be my Hw77k for me. Solid piece of kit, nice to handle and still gives a cracking love bite. All the best lads Happy Hunting
  10. Some nice pot fillers! Good shooting bud. Bb
  11. Nice shooting lads. That's a couple of nice set ups theremail as well. Atb and happy hunting Bb
  12. Had a similar thing with my stinkers last year pal. As already said probably the heat, get yourself a spray bottle and try cool her down a bit but don't do it to quick. Slowly slowly and she should be fine. Good luck with her Atb Bb
  13. Days like that should be cherished. Atb and happy hunting
  14. Top shooting. Rifle looks like a proper bit of kit. Atb and happy hunting Bb
  15. Nice bit of sport there and them pigeons will make a tasty meal. Atb and happy hunting.
  16. Nice shooting. A few for the pot and some left for next time. atb and happy hunting
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