takes you to get them to your way of thinking very young i have 2 here 5 months doing everything i want them to , i whistle to them when i feed them so when i am out an whistle they come straight over to me well may be thats just me
for get all that shit breed your own make your own choice . its a lucky dip what you get . you can breed the best and end up with a load of shit no matter what anyone says. proven balls .
the only way to sort out the best is to match .but at the same time if you think your dog is good enough for you then thats ok but dont say its the best thing in ireland / there are some good dogs here . i have a old dog nine and still can kill 3 good hares
i seen so called proven dogs and bitches and bread them . does not mean that there pups will be any good . look bread the best dont mean you get the best .no matter what any one said when you do get a good one its all down to luck. in all the years i bread dogs i can say i own too great ones .its all shit
i run enough hares to know what you mean but im starting not to give the dog credit and saying it was a shit hare example last week i ran 4 hares the 1st 1 was ran for about 1 min when he picked it up and dropped it it went on another 1min and escaped into cover 2nd about 30 secs dead third about 40 dead and the 4th about 2 min again dead so i said 2nd and 3rd were shit hares 4th a good 1 so does this mean the 1st was the best hare even though he dropped it early i think we have to just give the dog credit the fittest fastest smartest hare can still die early with a smart dog behind it
what is going on with these dogs seen run run run not striking to lift i think yous men are thinking to much of that eng breed cant beat a good stricker kills as quick as it can in stead of playing????????????????