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Everything posted by Mark_mjs93

  1. I hear there is a cream for that... no need to resort to a bullet just yet.
  2. It’s all good ?? Everyone is busy, and we've all got priorities.
  3. No trouble fella. As I say, I know it’s all part of the process. I’ve been fishing for years now and I never had anyone to teach me the ropes for that. Just had to learn as I went. Now I can do it with me eyes shut... mostly thanks to bite alarms but you get the picture. I went 12 months of fishing 4 times a week before I actually caught anything. Just enjoyed being out. With that said I think there’s always lots to learn and I appreciate any opportunity to head out and see how it’s done ??
  4. Cheers Mark, I’m in Bedford, Bedfordshire. East anglia ??
  5. Didn’t mention the miss as I didn’t think it was relevant. Thought you’d come to expect me to miss Everything by now. I told you, I might be crap at shooting but I’m a fairly effective scarecrow.
  6. I didn’t want to give you the satisfaction ? I knew you’d enjoy taking the piss too much... sort of like the guinea chicken-turkey debacle ?
  7. Been into airguns for the best part of 10 years now. Started with springers and the. Got into PCPs in the last couple of years. I’ve been wanting to get into the hunting side of it for ages but only really got lucky and ended up with a place I can actually shoot this year thanks to Rabid. So in short I only really been hunting live quarry since January... so I’m still learning every day. Unfortunately I don’t come from a shooting family. I was lucky when I was younger and had a family friend take me out a couple of times when I got my springer but it really was only once or twice. I don’t thin
  8. So I have been out a few times this week. Decided to mix it up and try and few day sessions to see if I’d have any luck. Nothing. I’ve tried sitting in wait and watching tree tops and hedgerows. Everything seems to have this skill of knowing exactly how far away they need to be to be out of reach. Ironically the 1 thing I got close enough to that I could have had a shot at was a muntjac... I don’t think my sub-12 air rifle is entirely appropriate on that front if I’m honest although it was a nice sight at 3 in the afternoon, once he spotted me I think he went off to cause some grie
  9. a couple i would recommend. My rifle is rather pellet fussy but I have found comfortable groupings with Falcon Accuracy Plus, JSB exacts and also H&N Barracuda. I have to admit I tried the H&N barracuda Hunter Extreme pellets recently. Cracking little pellets. For a hollow point and for the weight of them I was pleasantly surprised at the groupings I was getting. They were really on the money and if your gun doesn't like heavier pellets they are fantastic (but watch out for even the slightest breeze). As Jonjon said, pellet testing is fun. Grab yourself a couple of the dif
  10. If he also has a shotgun certificate then this isn't the case. http://www.shootinguk.co.uk/answers/legal-answers/safe-shotgun-storage-58349 If he has a firearms cert and she does not then he would have to secure these with additional measures (Cable locks, trigger locks etc). If he wants to share his cabinet with her, he is more than able to do so. As for the airgun, it doesn't technically have to be a secured in a safe. I personally do store mine in my gun safe and will continue to do so when I get my certs. Mostly as I have young nephews and cousins who visit who I don't want getting th
  11. Okay, so who's going to the Great British Shooting Show at the NEC in Birmingham next weekend? Anyone? I have the Friday off work so I'm planning to head over and see whats going on. Free parking and i'm in the market for some new kit so I'll be having a look. Cheers Smithy
  12. Not to be negative or anything but I have a bit of a question on that link. They say in that article you are required to pay for the doctors letter? I appreciate this is a hot topic (and I don’t want to open that can of worms) but I thought BASC and a few other shooting organisations were telling members to refuse to pay for this as it’s the polices respinsbility to pay if there is an associated charge. The question I have is it says ‘you are only required to pay if you have a pre-existing condition’ wouldn’t that amount to discrimination? And in a case were someone were physically disabled co
  13. Woburn Abbey in Beds has hundreds of deer. All species really. Entry does cost but there's a good chance you will see something. Good place for photography. Got a few good pictures from there myself.
  14. I have to say I agree with the distance thing. With NV it’s such an absolute bitch to judge the distance of almost anything. I guess it takes time to get used to but man it’s difficult.
  15. I have to admit I was only recently introduced to NV and have just brought a pulsar n550. The issue with IR is the red glow. They can see it from a mile away so what I was taught was to keep the IR switched off as long as possible. If you have a thermal monocular (pricey but AMAZING KIT) they are brilliant for spotting as they are completely lightless. As said though, if you’ve not got confidence in it, make a change. It’s like fishing with a rig you have no confidence in. It throws you off your best and makes you make daft decisions resulting in less bites.
  16. Personally I can’t see a problem with this. Do you know what size it is? The only issue I can think is that if it was a gas holding bottle (oxygen) and it is branded ‘air products’ they could own the bottle and this could cause issues? Like calor or BOC bottles you know? Not sure. Regading the regulator, if the bottle is all above board and okay to use then I’d pick a valve/regulator with a non A clamp style fitting if that makes sense? It’s personal preference really but I find that the screw in type valves/regulators are more readily used nowadays and less prone to leaks than the A cla
  17. Yeah that misting is the moisture that you are drawing from the air with the pump. You are also putting some of that into your gun so when you make the change to bottle you will only be putting in dry air meaning less chance of internal corrosion etc. In short the argument for bottles vs pumps is the same as PCP vs Springer. Both have pros and cons. I’m firmly in the bottle camp.
  18. I was just about to say it looks an awful lot like a cricket. I've only seen one in person as FAC. Nice guns though!
  19. Good shooting fella. Welcome to the forum! With bags like that you’ll fit in great here haha.
  20. Pay £6 at the local clay ground, £7 at my range and I second rabids point... what’s a kettle? It’s a flat rate though so doesn’t matter what size bottle you have. It costs the same. Which I find a bit daft really. Oh well. £3 for a fill is really good though!
  21. Shamus, I found I had a few problems with my RWS that sound similar to what you have here. I spoke with Rabid here on the forums and he was a great help (might be worth PMing him as he has a HW100 and could probably offer more specific advice). A few things he suggested to me, as villaman said, give the fill port a blow out with some air from your bottle, make sure there are no debris stuck in there. The other thing he suggested is to give it a good hard burst from the bottle. Is the gun completely empty? I.e. no pressure at all in the cylinder? If so it could just need a quick hard burst of
  22. Both lovely guns. But I have to say, the BSA ‘black pepper’ stock really does have that tart factor that I just can’t help but love. Really is lovely to look at
  23. Hey pledgey, depends on the gun more than anything. something with a buddy bottle will probably eat less fills than a usual cylinder gun, dependant on size etc. Bottles come in all sizes, I’ve seen em as a little as 1ltr. They tend to come in 3L 5L 7L 12L formats. I’ve got a 5L and I’m just about to take on a 12L following the death of a family member. Assuming it’s a 300bar bottle, a 5L bottle will usually give you 12 full fills. Basically meaning that if you ran your gun down to like 50bar then it will fill it back up to 200bar 12 times. Thats a 5L bottle. The main benefits are they ar
  24. So I just noticed the Demoltion ranch guy on YouTube has done a video with the Texan. Over there they are marketed as the ‘airforce’ Texan rather than gunpower. Heres the link https://youtu.be/VsSYngXbCc0
  25. Sledgehammer to crack a buy comes to mind haha.
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