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About smokey_Joe

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Interests
    Shooting ( lamping, rifles, shotguns, air rifles). Fishing(carp, river, coarse)ferreting as I have currently got 6 little guys . Farming(work). Also mountain biking/downhill.

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  1. Ay up lads, Are there any Staffordshire Lads about that are willing to come shoot on my permission and also for me to shoot on theirs? I have roughly 300 Acers available and more on the way with a wide range of game. get back to me if your interested, thanks Joe
  2. Ay up lads, Are there any Staffordshire Lads about that are willing to come shoot on my permission and also for me to shoot on theirs? I have roughly 300 Acers available and more on the way with a wide range of game. get back to me if your interested, thanks Joe
  3. thanks pal had some interest to
  4. Thanks for all the great tips lads, and bob, what I do is the same! add boiling water and once they have soaked it up add the liquid additive and pit to the feeder but I will try some of the comments on here and see the result!
  5. I have 6 ferrets mate but there's no need for them on this permission on other permissions there worth there weight in gold!! Anyway... there are that many rabbits its un-real And I totally agree pal in some ways I cant wait for those crisp winter mornings
  6. would you be willing to travel for a hour joushua? theres some good shooting on our land so you might as well come with me. the more the merrier as there's more rabbits than grass
  7. Or you can email me at j.c.tizzard@btinternet.com
  8. Hello lads, I'm looking for a like-minded shooting partner to come out shooting and ferreting also taking the dogs out. I am 15 but have been hunting for as long as I can remember and my last shooting partner was 26 ( and I was still better than him ) so it doesn't matter what age or gender. The lad I used to go shooting with is now going in to the marines so I am now left alone which is why I am looking for a friend. I have over 500 acres of permission with more rabbits than grass which we can go on any time. There is not only rabbits tho as there is a wide range of big and small game
  9. Hi moxy, here is the info you need pal and from what I have read it looks like you don't need one!! but I only read the top bit http://www.cps.gov.uk/legal/d_to_g/firearms/#a07
  10. That's great thanks pal dose a red filter make a difference or should I stick to the normal beam?
  11. Thanks pal, the "living of the land" page is useful and some very interesting ideas. thank you for the help.
  12. Hello lads, Im off shooting tonight and well... for the rest of the week and could do with any tips and help. The main target will be rabbits as its getting to the point where there's more of them than grass and many folks have been asking me for some for eating. I will be using either a 12 bore or the 410. and I was just wondering if anyone had some useful hints or tips for me. I am going in the evenings and shooting through till its dark and when its dark I will be using a lamp. Any useful tips are welcome! Thanks Joe
  13. Dose anyone know any recipes that include rabbits? I have one for rabbit burgers and rabbit stew but that is it and for the meal I will be cooking this weekend I need something new as we have some important guests coming over! Thanks Joe
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