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Everything posted by darrendigger

  1. Thats true have you had your home visit yet pal?
  2. I shot a rabbit with a 222 at yards a month ago and the b@@@@rd dragged it self to the hole nealy 5 feet away! and it was nealy in 2 halfs !!!!
  3. There has been a back log they are understaffed and are over worked i just got my fac and it taken 5 months to come but here now and speaking to people that seems to be the norm at the moment how long you been waiting pal atb dd
  4. Cz 452 great little rifle and very very accurate !! Atb dd
  5. Hi , I have just got my fac and was wondering what the laws are regarding someone coming shooting with me , with my other rifle on my permission thanks in advance . DD
  6. The bsa sweet 17 is a fantastic scope for the hmr its already got built in compensation for the 17 grain bullet drop just dail in and away you go i have the 6x19x40 and its great and there only £150 new so very affodable too .
  7. Yeh like i said breed your own work your own then you cant go buying shit dogs there will always be people who breed dogs and work them there will also always be people that cant so buy them and never work dogs just sitt on here everyday saying they know everything so Fxxk off and stop buying dogs if your just gunna bitch about what you get or pay the money and take your chance numb cxxt because everybody knows no one sells a perfect dog they all have issues this is my last post on the matter because your boring goat and blockend you peddler
  8. Not a shit dog a fox dog like the law states you wolly !!!!!!!!!!!
  9. If the goat, and block end, and whoever else have all the knowledge and know how use your own so called fantastic dogs of your own and breed what you want. it will save you then the hassle of buying a dog you believe to be substandard and then you cant come on here and accuse people of selling you a dud dog . The last thing is if you sell someone a dog that you think is a good dog and that person after a week two week or whatever ring you saying its no good its to late because you dont know what other people do some people are cruel cxxts that drop dogs in barrels with other things and allsort
  10. What a load of shit if your own dogs where so good you wouldnt have to buy dogs in first place you could breed your own i havnt sold any dog but a bit of advice you should breed your own then you wont be dissapointed when you buy a dog you clever c@@t plus if you havnt noticed the name by now i put the dog on here for my mate so gone and slate the person you got the dog off you must have his number you dog peddler !!!!!
  11. I have never sold a dog you fxxking muppet so when you got the correct guy then you can post accusing people you clown
  12. Just got a bellman and flint pieps setup for next season just wondering is there anything that is a common problem on then or any special way of getting the best from it as i have always used the deben mk3 atb dd
  13. Just got a bellman and flint pieps setup for next season just wondering is there anything that is a common problem on then or any special way of getting the best from it as i have always used the deben mk3 atb dd
  14. It's a 22 it's groups well and for an old gun it seems very capable I give 100 pound for it with a scope and large modarator fitting was this reasonable cheers ps sorry all questions new to the air gun world cheers
  15. hi i have not shot an air rifle in many years just bought myself a pcp bsa hornet i was shocked how accurate it was was just wondering is the any pellets that suite the bsa better cheers
  16. Is this still forsale ? If so pm me i can collect .
  17. i run this such cross they are fantastic strong,fast,obedient,prey drive, full package imo i would not take gold for him atb
  18. not seen any for couple of seasons now but its only this year the rabbit numbers are up so we shal wait and see
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