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Everything posted by darrendigger

  1. Incinerator at the farm works for mine ?
  2. Yeh its a sak pal works amazing just fekking long
  3. Hi all , i have a mod on the gun now but it is not an over barrel mod and the gun is just soooo long it really is annoying and nealy impossible to shoot from inside a vehicle, does anybody have an over barrel to sell or swap cheers dd . 1/2 unf
  4. hi does anyone have one to sell pm me cheers money waiting .
  5. anyone selling a full setup for a novice to start reloading cheers dd .
  6. anyone got any reloading gear forsale cheers dd .
  7. It says i need to be a donor before i can put a post in there how do i do that cheers . Dd
  8. i have a bsa r10 mrk 2 that has not even had a tin of pellets through it is 177 has walnut stock New hawks sport hd scope a gun bag the foot pump bipod whats left of the pellets the gun is brand new really this is the full setup for someone if anyone interested pm me cheers dd .
  9. hi any got a 22 lr setup for sale im in lancsshire money wating cheers
  10. We are, HMR is a cartridge not a calibre That is why it has a 17 in front of the hmr read it again with your glasses on !!
  11. Im not complaining about the 17 hmr its my go to rifle everytime.we where talking ammo not caliber ?!!
  12. Recalled! That's news to me, his excuse for not having any I suspect and selling you something more expensive...... that he just happened to have in stock. Split cases before and after firing are common on all makes of HMR ammo unfortunately! No its was the same price tbh thats just what he said . Saying that i have not had any split cases in the hollow points mabe just look but i will keep my eyes open from now on tho cheers . Atb dd
  13. My new ones are a slight off red colour i got 250 of them last week i will check cheers lads dd
  14. Went to but some more rounds at weekend and the fire arms dealer said they have recalled all the blue tips so when i whent back home again i checked the 100 i had left and seven had nasty crack down the brass so anyone with any blue tips left go through them and check could save your rifle or even worse atb dd
  15. Build a high seat not expensive and all you shots will be going to earth perfect for saftey atb dd .
  16. Hi all what moderators work best for centre fires over barrel or end of barrel as i have sent my 223 to be screw cut cheers dd
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