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Orion in Bucks

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Everything posted by Orion in Bucks

  1. Tree branches, in the garden, the peacocks are pets, you can walk up to them and feed them! But yes, i get what you are saying, thankyou!
  2. Just discovered a badger has tried digging up a honey bee nest from the ground, off to get some pictures and called local bee man see if the colony can be saved - anyone else in Bucks or Oxon who wants them is welcome to try, not swarmed yet. These pics, while still compressed to upload, should be better focus, i feel relieved now! Will keep adding more, because i appreciate the feedback!
  3. I feel i must redeem myself and upload better focused pictures now..... Other than linking a photobucket account, any other way of linking larger files?
  4. Ah ok, a person! Yeah, they aren't the best focused pictures i have ever taken! LOL
  5. There are some others that are too large to upload, i might try croping them later see if that helps
  6. I don't understand, is this someones name? did i do something wrong?
  7. A few picture i have taken i like i thought i would share a lot of the good ones are too big to upload :-(
  8. White light works too, but ruins your night vision so takes time for your eyes to adjust again, red light is the best to maintain your night vision - there is argument over if certain types of animals can see red light or not - green light isn't as good at maintaining your night vision as red light, but seems to be as effective for eye shine and identifying species, i am not convinced it is totally invisible to animals but is no worse than a red light. Blue light shows up blood trails and i have never used the yellow lens!
  9. Welcome, im new too! I doubt i can help if you need anything, but i will try!
  10. Leupold have it on their website how to tell if you want all the differences. Easiest way is to look down the objective and see if it has a brass spacer, if it does, its fake.
  11. Thanks everyone, still getting to grips with how everything is arranged on this site and how everything works! There certainly seems to be a lot of information!
  12. LED lenser P7 - comes in a kit with mount, tail switch and batteries £48 off ebay, set of interchangeable lenses to fit it (red, yellow, green and blue - i use green a lot on rabbits) £9
  13. I am near Bicester, Been having a good look about the site today, i am surprised i have not come across it before!
  14. Not unusual but she is amazing! Black lab, 15 months, almost fully trained ready for her first shoot in September. Training was done by my partner (she doesn't shoot often, but likes picking up) under instruction of a pro (5 lessons), she has never trained a dog before, but i have seen fully trained dogs that are far worse! I would say that though because i am biased! Great on pigeon and rabbit, little bit hard mouthed when excited, but soon calms down (still a puppy after all) looking forward to the first pheasant. Not bothered by guns at all, will flush and retrieve very well, having a
  15. Hi there, I am a 35 year old chap from Buckinghamshire, started shooting clays with my father from a very early age and progressed onto game shooting and hunting from there. Can't remember the last time i shot a clay now! I have tried most forms of shooting and hunting and have used lots of different methods for pest control on some land that i look after. Currently my main focus is Deer, i am very fortunate as i have several friends that are showing me the ropes and furnishing me with appropriate knowlage to be able to take my DSC 1 and 2. When i am not rolling around in the mud or hidi
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