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About Bluemagic

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. She looks the part mate I tried to buy Ryan's but he would not sell I'd be interested in yours if you would sell her
  2. Good luck with the pups mate I love the look of Romeo and love he's breeding and love more what he puts into his pup I have a bitch here and as soone as she is in she is going to him altb with the pups
  3. Nice pups mates scouser going back to a first cross should be crackers good luck
  4. Wouldn't you you be intrested in using digger himself I here he is leaving some good young stock a friend of mine is gonna us him I think on old misty who won forley
  5. Your in box is full can you send me your details thanks
  6. I can't tell is that dog grizzle or is he black cos a fella I now had one out same litter real decent dog
  7. A champion will never leve a champion
  8. I really really like that dog with the grizzle back is he fast
  9. Deerhound lurched man can you put up a recent pic of chief would like to see how he's shaping up
  10. That chief dog made a f***ing good run of that not Meny people would run that hare I think it's good to run a yong dog round them tight bits of land keeps them up and at them this time of the year a dog shouldn't give a hare any respect cos if he do that's when young dogs start to get dragged about atb with him mate
  11. I would of loved on they just come at the rong time would like to see them now
  12. Nice looking bitch mate how's she bred and how old
  13. Roberto m you don't now me but I own pip and I now you bred him just won't to say thanks because he has been the the best dog I have ever had and now at Seven year old he has left me and some of my mates some good young dogs and your right not everything come from buddy with that litter oldkim teft her mark aswell
  14. I have seen loads of topics on here about who is the best stud dog and who's the best dog running at the min but I would like to see peoples opinions on what bitch has been the best bitch to leave the best pups.we now all the golden oldies foxy dancer seagulls blondes just would like to now of bit more recent
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