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Everything posted by Alzarni

  1. I've got a HWV puppy 5mths, the hawk tolerates him cos he's steady, bates like buggery to my Patterdale & the missus's cockapoo!!
  2. Mines 7mth now, be nice if he gets some of your dogs muscle tone!!
  3. Tell you something tho Tinytiger, not the type I like looks wise, but the most intelligent terrier I've had!
  4. Hi mate, looks a bit like mine, where did you get him from??
  5. any plummer in him? Might be mate, was told Nuttall Wheeler!!!! & parents especially sire looked well, but he doesn't look like both except colour!!!
  6. Think unless there's line breeding, all lines are corrupt after outbreeding
  7. Alzarni


    I've a Roy Bebbington, Gonegos dog, great clever pup. Roy is a cracking chap too! Be interested to see if yours is a sibling!
  8. This is Reg, Nuttal/Wheeler lines, apparently, but aren't they all!!! Bit leggy, but is filling out nicely with good solid muscle. 6.5mths old
  9. Hi mate, welcome from a fellow Derbyshire bloke!
  10. Good morning from North Leicestershire!! I love the countryside, hunting, working my dogs (Patterdale & a Wirehaired Viszla) also after a years training, finally getting a Goshawk, I am looking forward to 'pure' hunting. I do my hunting in my beautiful home county of Derbyshire! If anyone in North Leicestershire wants a hand with my dogs, let me know as I've only just moved here. Cheers All :-) Al
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