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Everything posted by dekka

  1. two shot clip very fiddly to set up, I do not know of any still being used, rowan engineering multishot conversion is hand indexed, each shot needs to be turned by hand
  2. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/14CM-STEEL-CONSTRUCTED-AIR-RIFLE-AIRSOFT-PISTOL-SHOOTING-PRACTICE-TARGET-HOLDER/231603572776?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D33843%26meid%3D2f3e6bb64a3c4561a186cd66067b23af%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D6%26mehot%3Dpp%26sd%3D181927171569 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/14CM-Funnel-Shooting-Target-Holder-Air-Rifle-Pellet-Trap-Airsoft-Pistol-Practice-/181927171569?hash=item2a5bb455f1:g:CTwAAOSw-vlViidd
  3. how long is it mate and where in durham
  4. I will have it if it is free if not a price would help
  5. can you feel air blowing from the breech, if not it could be the tranfer port seals, but at a week old it needs to be returned to the shop for replacement
  6. got it this pm mate well packed excellent condition thanks
  7. is it the rowan convertor or the falcon two shot clip
  8. is the spare stock for a standard or varmint barrel please, Dekka
  9. If this is the one on falcon forum Bruiser wants it
  10. where is it leaking from mate through the barrel or at the fill valve
  11. details on the valmet please model. choke etc
  12. Titan/Falcon action wanted, any length, any condition, leaks not objected to but it must be complete required for winter project, cheap as possible please Dekka
  13. where is the leak please, and have you the filling adaptor?
  14. Hi all has anyone got the plans for the trigger/release mechanism for a shoulder catapult, fancy having a try making one I am ok with woodwork but can not get my head round the release mech, the one I am thinking of has two cams, one either side, which hold the cup and the slug between them
  15. I tried to buy a scope from america and was told but the vendor he could not sell to the uk or send abroad, I then contacted the department of security to clarify this and was told only items that are built for and to military designations are prohibited everything else is legal for sale there are lists with the designated items on them, but most suppliers will not take the time to consult these and just give the blanket answer 'not allowed' http://falconowners.myfastforum.org/about9134.html&highlight=customs so it might be worth checking if the item you are after was built for t
  16. I do not know if it is a carbine but a chap called Jimbo on the falcon forum is looking to contact you about your gun, his phone no is 07796072789 Del
  17. just to say Hi I have been on other forums for some years my main interest is air rifles but I have shotguns and rimfires also Del
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