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Clever Moniker

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About Clever Moniker

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. No sir, known as Canada Geese all over the world! We also have different kinds of geese over here. Snow geese for example... unfortunately I haven't been able to get any.
  2. We're allowed 5 per day at this moment... and it's good eating. So yup, I gotta thing for geese!!
  3. Hey all, I decided to take another Canada goose and asked my Mrs. to do up the stew!! https://youtu.be/0rVqM_ZyvJ0
  4. Looks like a mongrel of some sort.......a nice small Lab would be far better. I take it you like Lab's?
  5. I live in an apartment so having a lab maybe difficult. Lately I have been thinking of getting a Duck Tolling Retriever though as the females as on the smaller end. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nova_Scotia_Duck_Tolling_Retriever
  6. I ended up giving this one to a friend, but this is how Amy and I usually prepare it. Here is our favorite recipe from our blog: http://www.slingshot-hunting.com/canada-goose-recipe-goose-n-guinness-stew/
  7. Hey all, CM here. I shot this Canada goose on the first day of the season and thought I'd share it with ya'll. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93o6XLD_B6w
  8. Cool, the only issue I have found with aluminium is it gets scratched very easy. If one was trying to create a clone though, the SPS is actually made with a 1/8" core. I was just giving the man an alternate option. Here's one I made with an aluminium core myself.
  9. Contact Stephan at http://www.catapults.co/. Sells them crazy cheap in the UK.
  10. Setup: Slingshot: R10 Slingshot Ammo: 10mm Lead Bandset: 30mm to 20mm .040" latex singles Pouch: SuperSure Pouch
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHZZgDLcDj0 Hope you guys enjoy the video, Clever Moniker
  12. This was actually an older video I shortened to just over 30sec. Thought I'd share it with you. Cheers, Clever Moniker
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