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Everything posted by pengelli

  1. ive got one you can have pm me your address and i will post it to you the one i have is for the 15 ft micro ferret collar its longer and takes 2 batteries
  2. drew ballantyne and henry minto is that them from fairhill way
  3. im in hamilton mate just down the road pal been ferreting lurchers and terriers for 40 years
  4. pengelli


    dont know the law but im pretty sure they cant take livestock from you up here only nets and other stuff but as i said im not 100% about that
  5. pengelli


    they have took away one of our basic human rights that being to feed ourselves by hunting our own food this law was brought about up here by humza yousaf and his side kick patrick harvey who were more interested in gay rights at the time trying to muster up votes because they knew they were on their way out now we are stuck with these unjust laws they are totally despicable
  6. i find any deer i have lamped especially roe seem to panic a lot when the dogs hard on them tripping on dips in the land and misjudging jumping over fences and bouncing off them i have seen them standing staring at the dog coming up the beam and not moving till its to late different story day time though just my opinion
  7. i would use a good open class greyhound on her as i think pure whippet would absorb a lot of the german shepard side of it could have a lot of litter wastage jmo
  8. theres a lad near me him and his wife have a few white racers and they use them at peoples funerals and weddings ect they have a white basket for them and by all accounts they do quite well ££££ not a bad side line imo
  9. dog ferret wanted preferably up here in bonnie scotland hob ferret i had died last friday i need a replacement 5 star home here prefer albino thanks
  10. alright mate im looking for a dog ferret wish you were closer i would have one in a heartbeat im up in scotland
  11. had mine done 2 years ago and it cost £100 the vet that done mine said he cut the sperm tube both ends and doubled each end over with a stitch was told to wait 6 weeks before letting him near the ladies as apparently any sperm left can live for a few weeks after a lot of vets wont do the op as its a delicate procedure and in some vets ferrets are classed as exotics
  12. look on e bay mate i got one 25yrd 4z off rabbit fever he does baskets as well
  13. i was out saturday night down scottish borders and there was snow in the wind killed ten on four small fields but the wind would have cut you in half rabbits were a bit flighty too but there is a bit of a moon getting up
  14. hello just after some advice got a 12 gauge o/u spanish made shotgun and the firing pin on the top barrel needs replaced i think its the pin as its not striking the primer on the cartridge or even my finger tip when i hold it against it is this something i can fix myself or would a gunsmith be needed thanks
  15. think pets at home are doing a deal now both sets of jabs and wormers and vet health check think its £80 you will get the paper work too if you need it for boarding kennels ect in the future plus if anything goes wrong you have a come back with puppy jabs you buy from who ever you have no come back just a sick pup or worse
  16. so why comment on something that means nothing to you spot on mate well said i stay in south lanarkshire and its not just swimming pools its everything the working class do or use i hate them with a passion they have ruined our country they dangle the carrot of independence to the clowns that still vote for them independence will never happen not in our life time they do this to keep their noses in the trough and their asses on the gravy train while scamming everyone in the country apart from the rich elite and the creepy weirdos in the green party
  17. so why comment on something that means nothing to you
  18. im going to black up wear full make up wear a dress and call myself priscilla and carry on as normal oh and im going to change the dogs name to humza and i will be fine
  19. no mate they are not variable but for a cheap knockabout lamp they are spot on
  20. clulite plr 500 long ranger good little lamp
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