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Everything posted by Monty28

  1. arrr I get what you mean now no its a r/h gun
  2. im not to sure if im honest with you Rez, and I wouldn't no how to tell
  3. Thanks for the replies guys, I will bait up each night this week and aim to get out Thursday so hopefully have a good shot of a few for you all! haha cheers Rez, I have been toying with the idea of selling up and getting a hw100, however every time I shoot the bsa I come home with a big smile on my face! had it 8 years now, never missed a beat!
  4. hi all, new to this site so thought id chip in to get me going just got myself a new permission on a local orchid, literally a 1 minute walk from my house! feeling pretty lucky I popped out last night for an hour and had some luck with these fellers. the place is infested with rats so that's going to be my primary target! never done any rat shooting before though, only rats and pigeons so should be fun! Plus my bipod should arrive today so will be like a school kid this week and will have to get out a few times Any tips from you wise folk out there? Thanks
  5. HI all, Just a quick hello, I'm based in Oxfordshire and shoot a BSA super10 carbine. primarily for rabbits however just took a new permission on this week witch is infested with rats so will be having a crack at baiting up and trying to make a dent in the population! Thanks
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