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Everything posted by CumbrianJack

  1. Nothing is classed as pure unless bred 'distinct type' to 'distinct type' for 8 generations & even then your gonna get throw backs now & again. A woman near us bought a bitch which she was told was a Jack Russell, she took it to a show at a year old & was told it was a Plummer! :11: anyway its not all there in the head, it can be nice one minute & take your arm off the next, they do work her & had her mated to one of our russells, she tried to kill the pups when they were born so the woman hand reared 4 of them, she kept a male who is now in his 2nd season of work &
  2. I didn't stay up to watch it. Anyone else see it?
  3. Rocky IV where he faces the russian.
  4. Hi Ruby & Gin, nice to be back! It took me ages to find the new board! & i was having problems logging in :11: never mind. Ruby i think the bitch is in pup to your old boy she has morning sickness anyway & didn't want to go ratting yesterday
  5. Hi all, some of you already know me from the old forum but thought i'd say HELLO to all anyways. I have Jack Russells & we are still hunting regardless & can't wait for this season to get underway.
  6. 160? Thats a fair few lurkers Charlie C i love your new 'earth' dog in the avatar :11:
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