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Everything posted by CumbrianJack

  1. Any news yet? Its awful when this happens. I loaned a dog to a hunt 3 years ago & he was stolen from their kennels, never again will i tell anyone where my dogs go that way they can't be targeted. Never did get the dog back all i can hope for is he is being looked after somewhere. Another one we bred was stolen from an elderly lady who had her as a pet, the lady had cancer as well & this dog was her comfort, the twats cut a hole out of her wood panel fence in the garden & coaxed the dog over & stole her, shes never been found either, her owner died 5 weeks later.
  2. I have a few irish come over for pups, they are mostly genuine dog men just looking for nice working lines. They come over see our dogs then the pup is taken to ireland on the greyhound carrier when vaccinated & old enough saves them another trip over as the van passes my way. I'd have more concern meeting a stranger off my property at least the rest of the family is at home & neighbours etc, they can't come back & nick my dogs either as theres always someone around the place so no worries for me there.
  3. Only because people want them, can't help it if they want good stuff. You need to quit editing your posts! .
  4. Yep thats the one, thats why i know theres no border or bull in him for whoever asked NANDO the stirrer i think it was i can reply to whatever thread i like NANDO, bull terrier in a patt makes it a Patterdale does it??? hypocrites at least mine are bred from proper earth working terriers, bull terriers were never bred for going to ground marra, the russell has fell in it as well though bred specifically for work. And No he is no longer for sale, i was going to have to part with him because of my old russell dog not getting along with him now he's maturing but no worries now as he's (the russe
  5. They are a blend of Buck(last bitch bought from Frank 2 years before he died), Brightmore & a little bit of Middleton. I do breed them occasionally. If you PM me i will give you a contact of where you can get similar type. No border in him Rooster, can guarentee you that.
  6. Like these type? Had a white one too but he's long gone to another home now.
  7. Here here Crow! There was a time in the terriermans world a dog was not meant to mess up its quarry too much but bay, hold or bolt it, long gone are those days i guess along with respect.
  8. I can't see the first picture pickaxe your family must be rich for them to have had nice pictures like that taken back then!LOL for the pics.
  9. Dog fighters are sadistic barbarians one thing they can't be doing it for the money because not alot was being exchanged for the dogs themselves so it must be for their sick bloodlust. I'd like to see what they'd do if the dogs turned on them & ripped them apart piece by piece, some of the american bred ones would, they are huge monster size things compared to those shown in the documentary. Its a sick world we live in. There is no place in society for this type of dog, imagine what that poor kid in liverpool went through as the dog that killed her was bigger than those 2 that were fig
  10. Very nice good luck with them both
  11. True but isn't that the beauty of it, everyone has a choice what type of worker they want, not all want hard dogs, not everyone likes digging, the list could go on, thank god there is some people about like yourself who can see both sides of the coin.
  12. mr 1 do you have any pictures of your dogs at all that you could post up?
  13. Give the man a break hes not all that bad. Some americans treat him like a god, i don't but i still have respect for the older generation who have done more and seen more than most of us younger folks. People can breed, sell and do what they like with their dogs, if Eddie has made a decent living off his then thats more down to the twits that bought the story isn't it. Good luck to anyone who can make a living from it and still keep a relatively good name. Eddie gives loads away to the americans or so the americans tell me!LOL i do doubt it though, one in particular thinks she knows eddies d
  14. Think its more just certain strains look like that not mentioning any names but there is still some real old types about if you know where to find them which don't have bully heads. Guess its just what people prefer at the end of the day.
  15. Ok i haven't time to read through all the jet thread but was mason given the dog? If so then posession is nine tenths of the law, he can do what he likes with the dog & whos to stop him. You should never ever give one of your dogs to someone no matter how high profile they are or how much you think you can trust them unless you have a written contract between both parties. These days a persons word isn't his/her oath now sadly, long gone are the days when you could actually trust in someone sticking to a verbal agreement. Live & learn by this mistake people. If i have the wrong end
  16. Anyone into horses should see this. Must have put some hours in to train it to this quality & only 9 years old. Make sure your sounds turned on. http://beboframe.com/FlashFrame.jsp?Size=S...oxId=3309347442
  17. Good looking dogs. And i seen it was a mink right away, we go out for them specifically with our terriers, the bloomin mink ruin our fishing nets & pots that are on the harbour side, they chew them up to get at even the smallest dead bits of fish etc.
  18. Nice strong bitch. Looks like one i sold to a lad a couple years back, she had a wonky canine tooth that used to stick out. Good luck with her
  19. Blimey! sorry to hear of this, how awful for you. However personally in this case i'd be blaming myself if it were me. He obviously knows he's done wrong which is why he reacted that way. Sometimes males can get so frustrated with bitch pups because all the adult male wants to do is mount it the pup turns on the dog & dog thinks i'm having none of that & reacts, sometimes sadly with the pup coming off worse. Also if Tag was maybe just having a bad day & the pup was tormenting him it could have broke his temper. I'd put this down to experience & get on with Tag as afterall do
  20. Why are you being such a prat? HOME DOCKING? who said they do docking themselves there is vets still do it & its not mutilation, if it was then why did you dock your pups in the past?
  21. Austin, have you read the rules on docking? guess not! In england the dogs exempt from docking ban are Terriers, working gundogs & all dogs used for hunting of legal quarry, if you have a certificate of permission for working your dogs on someones land or you hold a gun licence (this is all i have been asked to provide) then vets will still legally dock them. In Scotland its an outright ban but only since April 30th 2007. Any pups born before this date could still be docked. However, it will still be legal to purchase a docked dog from England or elsewhere and to take heavily pregnan
  22. Must have been pumped up with steroids!LOL maybe its another photoshop job like the mastiff dog was.
  23. Nice pup, can't be bred from those ANKC registered ones they call Jack Russells though must be off proper working stuff. I hope she does well for you.
  24. Proud father here sends his best wishes.
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