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Everything posted by CumbrianJack

  1. LMAO at this topic. By the way you can come and see my dogs but i don't sell to show folks any longer due to their many 'guarentees needed' LOL. And i only sell to people via recommendation from others that you do indeed work your dogs. Have one going to Denmark soon, he is going to be a right little firecracker when older, but not a 'show pony' IMO. Seems most the names listed in one list are all JRTCGB people, must say when i went to one of their shows last year to view non of the dogs looked like they had ever worked or even had the brain to.
  2. They all look like white lakies with a dash of colour on to me!LOL certainly don't look anything like those KC reg Parsons i see at shows (whippety looking).
  3. Thanks, shes a cracking bitch, shows her slight lakie ancestry in the head though.
  4. I have a photo taken in 1896 with my gt grandfather holding a white terrier from our line, the picture was taken just after a hunt, also has some black dogs in it, was taken at Coniston i believe. People back then used to breed worker to worker so in all honesty you could get anything cropping up in time, remember the blues Frank Buck had crop up out of his blacks.
  5. Your telling me these are all KC registered parsons? or just have the name?
  6. Opinions are like A**eholes everyone has one :11: Nice pair of terriers northsider. I think the EBT should be entered in a christmas calendar competition with that wooly coat, just needs some tinsel for the finishing touch.
  7. thers always been black terriers no there hasent mate go on give me the year of the earliest ones you know of Black fells/patterdales/lakies (all the same dog) have been around for hundreds of years 1750 the earliest documented one seen in cumbria, i'd bet money on them being the oldest strain of terrier in this country. Joe Bowman had blacks & that was in the early 1900's. They certainly were around long before the money grabbers got hold of them. If you look at the breed its the only one that hasn't really been exaggerated in its type, they are pretty consistent in ability a
  8. Carlisle, & yes he does ratch, constantly works the hedgerows when out. Hasn't been spoiled as i say he's just at the right age to get started.
  9. I was going to go to this, decided to go to the Warwickshire Game Fair instead, alot of good dogs turned out there. I managed to get a couple of video clips for You've Been Framed as well!!!LOL Missed the best one of the household cavalry guard falling off his horse in the middle of the display ring though
  10. It didn't rain that bad last night, i'm in carlisle & its brilliant sunshine this morning, had 5 dogs entered for something to do, got the call at 7am saying the show had been cancelled as their insurance won't cover for accidents when the fields a quagmire. Funny though the carriage driving is supposedly still on....................must have a different insurance Wonder if those of us who paid pre entries for the terriers will get our money back. The lurcher show didn't take pre entries but they had all the tophies engraved with the date & show etc. Bit of a let down really, shou
  11. Parkins judging lowther this weekend, thats all working dogs out the window before we even go then! I don't like parsons too lanky & brainless, just keep the smaller old fashioned type myself.
  12. Are some of those pups black/white or tris?
  13. Very strange. What did the blood tests come back as? Sounds more like some sort of Ataxia, which is hereditary, if it was infection they wouldn't recover so quick & poisoning would kill one of them after a while. Have you been to another vet yet?
  14. LOL, you wouldn't get your hands on one of my JRT pups for £250! so these are cheap, maybe you need to advertise elsewhere with people who have money bolty- there is working folk out there that do even if it is like getting blood out of a stone, if its what they want they'll come back to you with the readies. It's a shame that some working lads want JRT's for next to nothing yet are more than willing to fork out a small fortune for bull terrier percentage bred patterdales.
  15. I was told by an old terrierman that an undershot dog is not as bad as an overshot one because an undershot dog has as good a bite pressure as a normal scissor bite, where as an overshot or parrot mouth has not got enough bite pressure to be a useful working dog. It really depends on how undershot the dog is, if just slight then i'd not worry about it, however if its a good 1/2" -1" i'd have to think it through some more, if i had the choice of 2 dogs equal in ability but one had a good mouth & the other not i'd use the dog with the good mouth so as not to set in a genetic trait of bad mo
  16. ROFL! you gotta watch out for them croglin werewolves in cumbria!!LOL Mate of mine swears blind he was chased by something that resembled a werewolf when he was out working the dogs at Scarrowmanick near Croglin a few years back. Me thinks he'd been on the wacky backy :11: but he has never been out there since & it was one of his favourite spots.
  17. LOL, yep! but alot of the gamekeepers have Jacks. I know one of the gamekeepers has some pups by his bitch out of my dog at the moment, not sure if he has any left or not but if you want to PM me i can pass you his details, there were 3 bitches 2 dogs, he has kept dog & bitch & i have a bitch, the dog that was left had a stunning head & a lovely working type pup, plenty of fire in him. Both parents working dogs & aren't parsons more like old JRTCGB type of stuff. Depends what you want to do with the dog as well, whether you want a harder mix it type or a bayer. Jacks & Pat
  18. You had a good time by all accounts. Have sent a few dogs of my own over there, lucky buggers don't have our pathetic laws.
  19. Just leave the bloody tails on. Too much hassle trust me. How the hell do you tell which pup will be a worker & which not at 3 days old??? You can't have them all docked saying they are all going to working homes then sell them to someone who dosen't work it because the first thing a vet asks when they go for jabs is who docked the tail & joe public will spout out your name to his/her vet so as not to get into trouble themselves. Besides they don't look all that bad with tails & we have had odd dogs in the past with a tail on, never has it been injured. I'd prefer to still be ab
  20. Really? well i didn't see it :oops: :11:
  21. Theres a few breeders still out that way, so you may get another yet!
  22. http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/RedArrows2012/?ref=redArrows2012 Hi Folks, At least this is sad news of a different type to my usual messages! You might wish to sign up to this petition ... What is England becoming? The world-famous Red Arrows have been banned from appearing at the 2012 London Olympics because they are deemed "too British". Organisers of the event say that the Arrows military background might be "offensive" to other countries taking part in the Games. The display team has performed at more than 4000 events worldwide, but the Department of Culture, Media and Spor
  23. Lovely dogs Ian, now everyone will understand why you want a dog that looks like that, hard to find now because people have gone with a trend these days for the heavier type dog with big heads. for posting the pictures & it should stop some people being so cagey & judgmental.
  24. Not entirely true, every breed in the world is a blend of other breeds to start off with, even KC breeds, don't tell me for example the PRT is a pure bred breed that dropped from the sky! the amount of white lakeland the breed has in it amongst other things bull terrier, they are made up of working lines originally, working terrier men bred the best to best or at least did back then regardless of its breed as long as it was a good earth terrier. I laugh when i hear certain indivduals say a Fell Terrier or Patterdale is not a Patt/Fell just because its black if its cross JRT or whatever else
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