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Everything posted by mitch1210

  1. Just wondering what you guys use to keep gour hutches clean, as in cleaning sprays or anything else you use, and how often you replace the whole of the bedding
  2. Ok, im just wondering if anyone could tell me if my jill is in season by this picture http://s30.postimg.org/arscdvqgh/20140723_223228.jpg
  3. So will he still try and `have it` with her if he is castrated or is that with a vasectomy
  4. Castration doesnt affect the way they will work does it, as i want it to be a worker aswell as a pet
  5. Do hobs come into season even if they are not with a female? Or is it when they smell an in season jill
  6. Are vasectomies reliable , ive heard they can be quite unsuccessful
  7. Where abouts you live? Do you go ferreting?
  8. Can they get aggressive when in season
  9. Hi just got myself two ferrets to go ferreting with , anyone else from lancashire area?
  10. Ive just got two ferrets, a jill that is a year old and a hob that is about 3 months old, i was just wondering what would be best to get dobe to the hob as i dont want kitts and at what age is best
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