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Everything posted by BigBrianBorou

  1. so tell me this mate you say hitler was atheist,but he didnt do it because of his religon,what a load of crock,he was a f***ing evoloutinist physcopath his right handman,,was heavy into the occult(devil worship)je slaughtererd jews becauae he thought they were inferior race an you cant let them breed back into the gene pools,didnt you know thats how evoloution works kill the inferior race,black people an gypsys were next,,stalin an musolini did the same,all psyhopaths,they try an put evoloution into science books but its a religous beleif,
  2. yes an so are you walshie!
  3. mate dont be silly,christians are not afraid of life or death,you say birth an death are mystery dont think so mate,yor lost,or blind,do you know many people that rebirthed?
  4. lol weres that lad,as long as im planting seeds in peoples head its worth all the stick I get!
  5. fellas god is a spirit man is flesh,now as I said before science an math back creation up so ignore it if you want I call that stupidity
  6. mate for a change have you any factual evidence to help your beleif instead of your immature smiley face,my son could type that :-)
  7. cc god is a supernatural being not a man,an its not a new thing ,book of genisis states man was created in gods image in his likeness so get your facts right,an could you tell me one of these suposed lies you keep going on about,would like to sse them?
  8. born hunter could you define evoloution for me or do you know mate
  9. what ever way you look at it there had to be incest,man an woman were pure then so it could be done,after few generations it had to stop,thats when the laws were given to moses,if evoloution is correct the human race was incest with pre humans monkeys amphibians,reptiles or whatever we supposed to have evolved from
  10. non sensical blabberin again mate,im familiar with two above what your point mate,il keep it simple science an math back up bible it disproves evoloution,if u have any evidence I would like to hear it im open to scientific evidence mate
  11. bh you dont know nothing about big bang mate because if you did you would know it doesnt stand up to mathmatical an scientific scrutiny,millions an millions of years ago,is what there teaching kids,think about hundred years a lifetime,think about thousand years,an then million,pure fairytale,can you tell me otherwise bh
  12. ok paulas if your going to deny science an mathmatics you go ahead mate an stay in denial,maybe go look for alien god,all the answers are there races,population,every answer if people will look at it
  13. not at all rake im trying to help people that are bound by deception,would not pumch anyone who doesnt beleive mate,god is a he not a she,god created man in his own image,an mate your totally blaspheming against the lord which weve all done an weve all sinned,no one is worthy,you think yoour good so did hitler,have you ever lied,stole etc,but god sent his only begotten son so if we follow him we could be saved,god knows everyones heart so I dont think many murderers rapist molesters will repent,the path is narrow mate,
  14. paulas mate yor going round in circles,il say it again to make it clear,there only two options either you evolved(which is not scientific,because it hhas never been observed,or created by a supernatural being,evoloution has been scienctifically an mathmatically proved wrong years ago the world system pushs evoloution because it their way of control an demise for the ,population,were as science an maths backs up creation, its everything around you 1 cell in your body is more complex that space station,an you have trillions in your body that have to work simultaneously to keep your body operati
  15. paulas mate yor going round in circles,il say it again to make it clear,there only two options either you evolved(which is not scientific,because it hhas never been observed,or created by a supernatural being,evoloution has been scienctifically an mathmatically proved wrong years ago the world system pushs evoloution because it their way of control an demise for the ,population,were as science an maths backs up creation, its everything around you 1 cell in your body is more complex that space station,an you have trillions in your body that have to work simultaneously to keep your body operati
  16. rake your way off mate your in denial,so your 50 then,so worm food shortly,by your own account,not really good end is it mate
  17. mate bible readers always knew the earth was circle it tells you few times,an another planet,mate you must be from another planet,thats pure fantasy,total recall style I would advise bit of research a bit of truth will help
  18. good post field marshall
  19. yeah mate you rigjt but your soul lives on,an I want to be in good place for that very long time!
  20. come on rake dont be throwing in your silly one liners then cowering away,what your theory,tell the boys or do you not have a clue mate?
  21. cheap laughs mate,your taking the piss of victims,real mature
  22. blackmaggie the bible is used an abused for years for mans agenda,god specifically tells you,thou shall not kill, pretty clear mate
  23. wasnt socks,didnt want people misunderstanding our paulas lol
  24. constant paulas,i think you ment consistent mate,yes he calling people mental for no reason,an he wouldnt reply to my q,now hel dodge it again nw with non sensicsal blabberin
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