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Everything posted by condor

  1. Yes is unpleasant to watch but the ferret is very agresive with the human contact. This animal in the video description was abused by the child´s family. What´s method you would adopt? My ferret is very quiet but in the future i would like have some ferrets and if one of them is agressive what would be the best form to dispatching? Thanks for the answer.
  2. This is a domestic abused ferret. And the trainner try to correct it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXTrJWvHRno&list=UUQ2LDKEHT2ddwW0WXB-_eCg DAY 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88eb_SVGZCU&list=UUQ2LDKEHT2ddwW0WXB-_eCg DAY 2 One contribution for the forum, and sorry for my english.
  3. don´t know this method? In spain is a popular method but a lot of people says that is useless.
  4. What do you think about this selection method? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tWaPZCL2Hg&list=UUQ2LDKEHT2ddwW0WXB-_eCg
  5. In my opinion, is a fake or it is a circus bear!
  6. Sorry!! I didn´t explain corretly. In Spain is posible take the rabitts alive and can left free in your private hunter place. If not you have to kill at the moment.
  7. The rabbits are alive because If you have a game preserve you can left free them. But if hasn´t got this game preserve you kill the rabitts at the moment. Sorry for my english, I am very out of practise.
  8. Hello! I´m noob in the forum. I´m from Spain and sorry for my english. I love the hunting ferrets but in my country, this hunting type is very regulated for the goberment My question is the next: Is necesary feeding the ferrets with live animals one time a month? Many hunters in my country says yes because if won´t do it the ferrets can lost his hunt instinct.
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