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Everything posted by paul999

  1. Hi ,bought a webly rebel air riffle,i have zero it but dont no yardage i zero it,when im out shooting i carnt seem to hit anything,iv bin told by a person to aim higher than the target,can any 1 pleas help,my first air riffle ,
  2. hi im wanting land to shoot vermin,anything and anywere ,willing to travel,or willing to go with sum 1, i have a .77 air riffle, ferrets and nets ,thanks

    1. walshie


      Bang bang bang goes the farmer's gun.

    2. Joe1888


      dig that hole, forget the sun...

  4. webly rebel pump 177 up for swaps, if interested
  5. got a webly rebel .77 up for swaps , pump action if interested ,scope
  6. webly rebel pcp for swaps,let me no what you have cheers ,looking for a springer,no smks tho cheers
  7. "where you can't breed 2 silvers together otherwise you end up with deformed kits.)" False as i bred 2 silvers this year,produced some nice stunning kits,all fine
  8. Got ferrets and nets ,wiling to travel,no locators thoUGH but wanting tO get into it cheers
  9. Hi ,is there any chance i can join YOU as i live 5 mins away from YOU ,looking to go out with people, i have ferrets AND nets, AND car so can travel anywere
  10. Hi ,im new to this forum , i live 10 mins from barnsley,any chance joining YOU for a hunt when YOU go, as i looking for some ONE or a bit of land to hunt on ,THANKS i drive aswell cheers
  11. Hi im from yorkshire ,new on here,
  12. " I'd just scruff him by the neck and hold him down till he yawns everytime he tries to bite and make a hissing or spitting noise, Let him up and just repeat that for a while. that's how I nip train mine.""" This is the method i use for years ,works evrytime,be patient thoUGH
  13. Hi new member on hunting life, 27 year old looking for ferreting buddy or a day out with group or land wanted and willing to pay for ferreting,love the sport , finding it very hard to get land ,any 1 can help me ,much apretiated,willing to travel,realy do love the sport, many thanks for looking if u looked lol
  14. Hi im new to hunting life,im after some land for ferreting ,nwts n ferrets only ,all areas kept well ,27 year old ,finding it hard to get permision but i realy want t get into the sport, willing to travel and pay for the sesion on the land,or willing to go with someone ect,done it past with friends ,
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