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About paul999

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 09/10/1986

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  • Interests
    Hunting ,shooting,

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  1. Anything like that again bud then count me in ,i have my own car bud call 07412520620 also will and can pay for fuel aswell cheers
  2. nakerd doin my nets pal get in touch......

  3. lared rake theres no pm from you,tried sending you messages and no reply,as for posts i have been put up,like some one mention,i have been door knocking but no luck,thats why the posts................if u dont ask ,,,,you dont get
  4. charlie caller.....for your stuborn and little brains in that skull of yours,i have been knocking,just think u was like me once upon a time,so wind your neck in and if u havent anything good to say ,then dont say anything,
  5. Ferreting land wanted yorkshire,will ferret any time of year,get in touch,will travel aswell thanks,ps,no stupid answers as i already no ,thousands people wanting land thanks
  6. Hi people after some land for ferrets (winter)and shooting vermin ,ie rats rabbits,pigeon ,owt ,177 air riffle thanks
  7. Thanks again ,iv been out today to zero riffle at 35 yards,had to adjust a few things but got there in end,25 15 aswelll
  8. Ok just a question,im wanting to shoot rabbits,whats a best range to proper zero my riffle ,herd 10,then 25 then 35,but no concrete articles saying so on ect,
  9. Ok thanks, you say not nessecerily but can it be a guid
  10. Hi people,could anyone give me advise,if i zeroed my scope at center point at 35 yards,will the next dot down be 25 yards
  11. Ok lets meet up n go n see a cupl of spots u had in mind
  12. wich one ,monkton or rabbitings , hav u bin on it, if so d u no were warrens are
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