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Deputy Dog

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Everything posted by Deputy Dog

  1. Cannot follow your logic pal. Think your a bit confused like. Think you should calm down a bit also. Jumping in with your accusations without having a clue isn't flash. Why should I reserve comment for being agnostic yet you who are an atheist is posting on thread about where god come from? Strange that. Candy from baby that is funny, believe it if it makes you happy. Don't see any sense it your statement pal. You'r questing why a god who you don't would and wouldn't do certain things. Think your a bit confused. Would advise you not to jump to conclusions on other folks threads. Fact that you
  2. Something a bit more lighthearted! Fooking great early but great. Had my eye out but not seen any yet
  3. Truther pal I didn't see anything worth replying to. You spout shite pal. I like how you jumped on my post with emthusaism but just insulted FM for his post. Bit ginger there pal. Never seen you come our with anything interesting ir intellectual. Just try and discredit by calling people people crack pots and god police. Childish that. First time I've been accused of having alter ego quite amused by that one. QB just because someone teaches creation lad doesn't mean they are a scientist. I believe agnostic is the correct term. I want to have that same conviction of QB and FM but would feel like
  4. God police. Aye and you've been busted. QB lad if TFM tells you to steer clear, you probably should pal! Been looking up on Kent Hovind since he was brought up. He's no creation scientist pal, his PhD is in education not science. That doesn't mean what he's saying isn't true of course. Who do you consider most credible creation scientist FM? Nice to see you posting pal. Love reading your posts. Nice to see you respect Borns views also. Turns out the mrs friends new fella is a theologian. He says what's your views on tulip? Like the flower ha ha
  5. I think Christianity extended from Judaism neems and that pal is the oldest of all religions
  6. Found this after seeing other thread. This video is too good to stick end of thread. I'm still agnostic, just but with guys like this on their side, I don't think these religious lads are as intellectually limited as maybe we'd like to think eh: http://youtu.be/hs-LVfdJsn0
  7. Aye the good book doesn't say much good about them Marshall. I'm plowing through the basic instructions before leaving earth book. Some eye openers in this one!
  8. Won a nice wager on that mare. Those were days for me
  9. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qw3hE2PxoTU
  10. Sat with bunch of lads from offices early this morning. They was all going on about some soap like it were be all and end all. Fooking rubbish. Told them I didn't watch the box much at all. They looked at me like I was from Mars. I like YouTube but don't watch TV much at all. Am I the only one??
  11. Strange one that lad. Let us know how you get on with stinker. Nout wrong with feeding schedule- always fed mine that way. Your animals are always in top nick FM- racking me head over that one pal
  12. Cheers all. Lad in question came round with bottle of rum tonight and he took dog back to seller as he said thing was rock steady. Can't fault him for that. To top it all off I was on my common ground this morning, dropped a brace at farmers c's door like always- stop for a chat says he. Told him all bout incident, he didn't say out really- got a answer phone message from farmer tonight about permission I lost, you're alright says he- mr Cole has vouched for you. Fooking bargain. Will drop the rum to mr c I think. Alls well that ends well ay! Night all. Cheers again
  13. Cheers gents. Hardy little b*****d is alive n kicking. Relieved to say least. Sorry for your loss vin pal
  14. Cheers lads. He's touch n go - will know it morning! All my fooking fault. Will report in morning. Fingers crossed
  15. Look forward to seeing pic of your setup pal
  16. Not best fooking happy to say the least. Took my newly aquatinted pal with me on new ground today, my good pal being away / you can bring your little dog says I, will bring me new un says he/ What's it like with ferrets n stock- good says he. Righty o off we go. So dog is patrolling nicely enough, but when my Polly sticks his head up, his b*****d dog flys in Raggjng my hob like a rat. Day over. And walking back to wagon he slips his dog on coney, missed it then headed straight over to worry sheep. Well things went bad to worse. Left him and dog in court yard to get own wag home. Now got one po
  17. LF striker variable pal. Need nout else, well accept for battery like. What's these new 150 tracers led like? Cheers
  18. Thanks for that mate. Right on that. You've had more than your fair share of shite with them pal. Utmost respect for you mate
  19. Field marshall owns dog of this breeding, met dog and lad at a show earlier this year. Handsome looking dog and by looks of graffiti on muzzle told me he's not afraid of pearly whites either
  20. As above lads and lasses. Always treated my own dogs for injuries. Quite impressive what you can do with stitches and super glue. However I'm told that a man got prosecuted for stitching up his dogs wound! I'd be fooked if they convicted me of all the things I've done! Cheers all
  21. Deputy Dog


    FM I've bot been shy in my admiration for you in the way you'vr come across on these thread. I met you briefly down at stonelands, you're a handsome lad with fine dogs and a stunning lass, you seem to have thing pretty good if you don't mind mr saying. Was you born with a silver spoon? Well educated?? You talk of faith well, have you endured hrdship? As you've said before. Do you know of people of similar ilk to you who have come from tough backgrounds?
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