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Kieran .j

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About Kieran .j

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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    Shooting I have a tx 200 mk2 patterdale bitch

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  1. The kit a got off a http://www.agouti-nets.co.uk.a can't wait to get a bunny in one of my nets
  2. Thanks lads hopefully when a Rabbit goes in them they don't goo in to bits
  3. I got ferret making stuff to give it a go I had some hard times but got there in the end so here it is now I have made 5 nets and love it glad a stuck with it
  4. Cheers need them to be waterproof always raining here
  5. I am looking to buy new water proof /hard wearing trousers under 100 pound if anyone could point me in the right pair that would be great thanks kieran
  6. Nice mate a got a dog here and it 17tts collie grey saulkie it's round and 4 5 months hopefully he makes around that mark like the big dogs nice to look at in the day time
  7. How big do you think your dog will be hare?what sort is it
  8. A don't think he will be ruined pal you just need more of a bond and take it easy with him pal
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