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Everything posted by Ggib

  1. sick fcuks whoever agrees with that, cliff richards, rolfaroo etc will all be converting to shitslam soon
  2. lolololol thats what i was thinking too. fair play to them they won
  3. now marshman they all count, comedy makes us laugh and releases dopamine in the brain which stops evrybody getting depressed and doing a robin williams. also the porridge christmas specials and the only fools specials too , then the elvis films need i go on
  4. girls?????????? rugby players and girls dont go in the same sentance unless theyre called kelly
  5. on the buses really lol ? The title if the thread is " good old films " yes they were funny especially the guy with teeth like mr edd the talking horse, protrayed as a sex symbol for ugly fcukers.
  6. yea like downtown belfast, fcuking joke, its turning into a country of gurny kunts and constant protesting about everyhting and anything, just last week there was a protest about the right to protest because there was nothing to protest about so they said why waste the day.
  7. spot on neil, and from that the uspca have lost all their powrs if they ever had any, its the police who deal with it now. but oh how id love to meet wankpot in a field, only one would be left
  8. 50 dead men walking, shawshank redemption, on the buses
  9. haymin, aka james may from top gear, captain sense of direction lol
  10. i think it a scientific show that studies human behavior, why else would all them freaks be asked to be in the same place at on time? back in the 1800s they were named circus freak shows nowadays its called big brother, im a celeb get m outa here etc etc
  11. you seem very knowledgible desertbred, but if he muslims are so unhappy in their countries of origin, why do they drag islam and preach on the streets of christain europe where they are living a much better life?
  12. I one hundred per cent agree my pet gripe is with the Arabs especially Sauds of Arabia theyfinance shit and keep quiet when groups like Quaeda. Taliban ,Boka Haram and Shabab appear. Alot of people point a finger at Iran we support islam we dont accept Isreal and dont accept the terror groups We have Hezbollah specifically for fighting against Isreal we have Jews living in Iran so we are against tjhe state of the zionists not the people. Muslims have divisions but they are for us to sort out is it not terrorism to kill innocent women and children be it Palastinian, Jew Christion Yazidi or an
  13. Ggib


    thats easy, the egg came before the chicken, as chickens came from dinosaurs and they were laying eggs long before chickens were on the earth. theres 2 questions that stumps the evos and god squad what banged and who created god?
  14. wouldnt mind seeing that
  15. Ggib


    well id rather christianity than shitslam, GOD IS LOVE.
  16. Ggib


    mon paulus stick the link up ghosts saved them for those who dont believe in god then hows there so much evidence of an afterlife?
  17. Ggib


    mon paulus stick the link up
  18. a little dikie bird tells me you like man love hahah lol certainly not maaatron lol
  19. doubt it thls own john rambo, im sure he picked a few tips up from expendables3 and tnt fish
  20. Ggib


    for all the doubters, type into youtube, unexplained mysteries angelic intervention cokesville. or if a mod can put up a link.
  21. Ggib


    this topic was started because harydave thought he had a religious nut, being me, rise to a public flogging by thl massive, he was barking up the wrong tree, then from the ashes he rose like a phoenix well done bigbrianborou.
  22. yes try n get the help movie up too
  23. hard days night, help, steptoe , steptoe and son rides gain
  24. you think they are only killing non muslims you know sweet F/A and many thousands of these toss pot ISIS have been born and educated in western societies so what does that signify much the same as Al Queada and Taliban were started and funded with USD all the shit happening in the middle east is as a direct result of western interference Egypt, Lybia, Afghanistan Khurdistan, Syria Iraq, most of the so called Dictators were originally put in Place by "Western Democracies" and most of the atrocities were learnt from who ?Yeah yeah and fuuck all to do with the violence in the book lol and as fo
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