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Everything posted by Rowan

  1. Good idea, i just scrub mine after each use and give them a liberal dose of vegetable oil, keeps them working and the victims don't mind the smell.
  2. Hi Arry, you need to make sure they are genuine Fenns . Killgerm are a good a supplier as any .
  3. The simple ideas are often the best , cheers mate.
  4. I frequently use mk4 Fenns , set in a wire cubby and block off each end apart from a short piece off downpipe , ( the plastic rainwater stuff ), this gives you an access point to the Fenn of only 2.5 "
  5. Ever thought of a BASC course , and welcome .
  6. Great post mate, helpful info for us all. i've just switched to eley olympic blues , 28grm 7.5s and they suit me really well. Each to theur own i guess.
  7. Welcome mate, great pic !
  8. Basc do not cover you for any paid shooting you may do , only recreational. Apart from that , why not..
  9. I think they are great , they bring me plenty of work in as everyone knows them and asks them for a price first . They just quoted a job to shoot feral pigeons at £340 per half an hour per man , minimum off two men needed, they said , plus vat . So 1 hour is £1632 to shoot pigeons , not bad . Its 6 mile from me and i got the job, strangely..
  10. Clivertons , definately. i have public liability and personel accident cover with them. Plus it covers use of firearms, a must have. You pays your money , you take your choice.
  11. Wow , yes please , you can have all my permissions . Good luck, you'll need it . Get your bike out and start asking locally mate . A good place to start would be to get some beating on shoot days , that sometimes pays off .
  12. Very hit and miss , it seams sometimes you can't fail and others i ask myself , " what the f$%k am i doing wrong. Good luck.
  13. What a great oppourtunity, good luck.
  14. I couldn't believe my ears , no matter my luck . I've had several evenings roost shooting there now , Happy days, ( well evenings ).
  15. Tried and trusted mk4 Fenn on rats in a wire cubby , proves itself time and time again.I put 2 inside a small stable yesterday afternoon, i had a text this morning from the lady to say there was a rat in one. Sure enough one very dead rat , never get bored off finding that. Plus one very happy customer.
  16. Too true , i have used Phostoxin for moles but it's not very effective . I now only use it against rabbits if i have no other option, saying that i haven't used any for 2 years . I hate the stuff.
  17. Welcome mate, but you'r one of hundreds who's come on here seeking permission. I don't blame you i must say , i moved last year after 50 years in Norfolk to scotland. I have asked at every farm/ croft i drove past , just before christmas i was asking about beating at a farm and the reply came ," i'd rather have someone shoot my pigeons ". It pays to ask , ask and ask.
  18. Haven't used a gibbet line for years , it used to be the way to prove you where doing your job. If they don't believe me , and they should by looking over the ground, it's the last time i work for them.
  19. I use needle nose pliers to get em out , wish there was something that kept em away.
  20. Nice one Trappa , i thought i was doing well today , 5 moles for the first 12 traps , ( there was more ! ).
  21. Mine are in and still working for me , i'll find most and loose some , oh well .
  22. I know it's hard not to stress about it , but i've seen it all before and it will go . I know from experience its better to stay off the roads for a wee while . I'm not venturing out to any of the crofts until monday, but my landy and me are still intact.
  23. They'll wait , just stay safe , i once couldn't check the traps for 10 days.
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