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James ed

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Everything posted by James ed

  1. Yeah mate ether that or chancers,
  2. Liverpool mate, They left 3 kits out of 6. Out of my 3 adults the have tuck 2 my only male albino, and the mother of the kits silver. Ant then left all the other hutch doors open. the strangest thing is there was a double carry box and 2 mountain bikes they didn't even bother with
  3. thought id have a lie in this am. it's raining and wast no need in being up so early. All I heard was the missus screaming all my ferrets had been stolen, got up ran down stairs and sure enuf all the hutches was open but only 2 ferrets gone well pissed of
  4. Yeah mate leave her tonight now an have a luck in the morning, try get some liver for her to eat tomorrow mate, good luck with them mate hope all go's well
  5. She should be done by tonight mate, unless there's complications, have a little look when you feed and water her
  6. Cheers for the reply mate, I might try it next time, I always thought because the hob was in rut he would just keep on wanting to nail the jill, thanks any way johnrthrfrd I will give it a go
  7. Does the job not harass the jill the hole time though lads?
  8. All the best with them any way mate they like really healthy
  9. Nice size litter mate, they look healthy kits All albinos? ATB james
  10. I'd say no later than Sunday mate
  11. Brilliant news for you mate hope there all well, And it was meant to be iworkwhippets new addition to your team over the moon for you
  12. Good luck with them mate A nice healthy litter of 6 like mine had 5 weeks back would do you ATB mate
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