To be honest iv liked the luck of the beddy/whippets, been told there a bit head strong though,
Iv been told that the collie x are really good ferreting dogs,
I'm thinking of getting a dog for next season, but not sure what to get any advice or opinions would be grate, something that's a good all round ferreting dog
Or no I don't use newspaper, it's office paper shredders mate so there isn't a grate deal of ink on it, I no what you mean about them getting home wet I usually give them a quick dry with a towel then feed an bed them down
Hello pal and welcom.
I use straw or shredded paper in the sleeping area, and sawdust in the rest of the pen for mine, some people use clothing just about any thing that will keep them warm dry and clean mate, hope that helps
Iv got a jill and a job hear mate jill a year old but she is nasty like the hob hasn't worked and a little older, I'm just down size in your welcome to the job soft as muck but the Jill hates every thing